Vytautas Šimonis

Branduolinės inžinerijos problemų laboratorija (14)
v. m. d.
Kab. nr.:
60-BRK, 18-BRK




Poškas R. [LEI], Šimonis V. [LEI], Jouhara H., Poškas P. [LEI]. Modeling of decay heat removal from CONSTOR RBMK-1500 casks during long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel In: Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2019, Vol. 170, p. 978-985. ISSN 0360-5442, eISSN 1873-6785.


Poškas R. [LEI], Šimonis V. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI]. Thermal analysis of CASTOR RBMK-1500 casks during long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2017, Vol. 99, p. 40-46. ISSN 0306-4549.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Šimonis V. [LEI], Jankauskas J. [LEI]. Investigation of the ESP cleaning efficiency of the flue gases in the wide range of Re numbers In: Mechanika. 2017, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 47-54. ISSN 1392-1207.


Ragaišis V. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Šimonis V. [LEI], Narkūnas E. [LEI]. Updating of the public dose assessment approach for decommissioning related releases from the Ignalina NPP In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 94, p. 93-101. ISSN 0306-4549.