LEI researchers implemented the first hydrogen energy technology training program in Lithuania for industry representatives
In November-December of 2022, LEI hydrogen experts (Dr. Darius Milčius, M. Urbonavičius and Š. Varnagiris) implemented the first hydrogen energy technology training program in Lithuania for industry. Representatives of the.. More
LEI participated in International Conferenece “Sustainable Economy in Horizon Europe”
This was an international event bringing together the world of science and business in Sustainable Economy, related to the Horizon Europe Framework Program. It was an opportunity to make contacts.. More
The official kickoff meeting of the HARMONISE project took place in Brussels
The official kickoff meeting of the HARMONISE project took place in Brussels on 19 and 20 September 2022 with the participation of all partner organisations along with representatives of the.. More
A competition for an Additional Admission to the Doctoral studies 2022
The Lithuanian Energy Institute announces a competition for Additional Admission to a limited number of state-funded full-time doctoral studies in the field of Environmental Engineering. Applicants have to submit the.. More
LEI representatives participated in the conference of the Joint Baltic and Nordic Energy Research Program
Representatives of the Lithuanian Energy Institute dr. E. Urbonavičius and doctoral student V. Bykov and KTU representative dr. L. Paukštaitis participated in the conference organized by the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy.. More
Lithuanian Energy Institute to use PLEXOS software to support Baltic energy transition
The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) today announced a three-year agreement with Energy Exemplar to use their PLEXOS simulation modelling software to aid energy market research in Lithuania and the rest.. More
LEI participated in the 4th Italian-Lithuanian Business Forum
The vibrant economic relations between Italy and Lithuania – with more than 2,5 bn € of bilateral trade a year and many new investment projects in both countries – needs.. More
GREEN DEAL-TURKLIT (GEH): Study visit in Vilnius Program
On October 4-8, the delegation of Istanbul municipality visited Vilnius in the frame of Vilnius and Istanbul municipality project GREEN DEAL-TURKLIT (GEH) “Platform concept developing green and smart solutions via.. More
A competition for an Additional Admission to the Doctoral studies 2022
The Lithuanian Energy Institute announces a competition for Additional Admission to a limited number of state-funded full-time doctoral studies in the fields of Energetics and Power Engineering, Environmental Engineering and.. More
New experiments for fusion energy record breaker JET
A new wave of fusion energy experiments on UK Atomic Energy Authority’s record-breaking Joint European Torus (JET) started this month. EUROfusion researchers are using the famous JET machine to conduct.. More