Project ECOFLOW updates: Winter expedition to the rivers Mūša, Suosa and Lėvuo
During 15-16 January, 2019 project experts (Vytautas Akstinas and Darius Jakimavičius) collected hidro-morphological data at the different segments of the Rivers Mūša, Suosa and Lėvuo. For more information on the.. More
Fusion In Europe (4th 2018) – a Newsletter by EUROfusion Consortium
Fusion in Europe – a newsletter by the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy – EUROfusion covering Nuclear Fusion science progress, news and opinions. Download the latest issue.. More
Traineeship by PhD student Audrius Graževičius at NRG research center
LEI PhD student Audrius Graževičius participated in a traineeship at Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group (NRG) center, in Peten (the Netherlands), during the period of 3rd of June – 1st.. More
LEI researcher Raimondas Pabarčius was awarded LINPRA sign of honour
Congratulations to LEI Senior Research Associate Dr. Raimondas Pabarčius (Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety) who for his high achievements in R&D and his enthusiasm in cooperating with business institutions, on.. More
EUROSAFE Newsletter (December 2018)
December 2018 edition of the EUROSAFE Newsletter: https://www.eurosafe-forum.org/node/512 “EUROSAFE” is a global and European initiative aimed at promoting the convergence of technical nuclear safety practices in Europe. It is formed.. More
LEI researchers help business develop next generation smart heat and cooling energy meters
Axioma Metering UAB, in cooperation with scientists from the Lithuanian Energy Institute, has developed a new generation of smart ultrasonic heat and cooling energy meters, the production of which begins.. More

Winners of the LEI’s most active Doctoral Students and Young Scientists Competition
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s LEI’s most active Doctoral Students and Young Scientists Competition! The winners are: second year doctoral student Eimantas Neniškis; third year doctoral student Marius.. More

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Gymnasium gratitude to the head of the Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Head of Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies Dr. Darius Milčius received the gratitude from the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Gymnasium for participating in the “Career Day 2018”, which took.. More
The 80th year anniversary of academician Jurgis Vilemas
Jurgis Vilemas, academician at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, on the 20th of November, 2018 celebrated his 80th year anniversary. He was the head of Lithuanian Energy Institute in the.. More
Pupils of Pranas Mašiotas primary-school introduced to renewable energy
On the 27th of November, the 2nd grade pupils from Kaunas P. Mašiotas primary-school visited the Institute. Pupils participated in an educational introduction lecture on renewable energy resources as well.. More