Guests from Polish universities visited LEI

On May 14, LEI welcomed guests from Poland – Professor Yuriy Bilan and Professor Jaroslaw Korpysa. Prof. Yuriy Bilan from Rzeszów University of Technology is the editor of the Journal of International Studies. Prof. Jaroslaw Korpysa from the University of Szczecin is the head of the doctoral school. They were accompanied by Dr. Mantas Švažas, an expert in the renewable energy sector from Vytautas Magnus University. Both scientists are involved in research in the renewable energy sector. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experiences and discuss opportunities for collaboration on joint projects and research. There was extensive discussion on the successful practices of Polish universities in attracting foreign students to doctoral programs. The discussion included the participation of Deputy Director Dr. Rimantas Bakas, study administrator Jolanta Kazakevičienė, MTEPIPC project manager Rimantas Levinskas, Chief Research Associate Dr. Egidijus Urbonavičius, and Chief Research Associate Dr. Dalius Tarvydas.