On Saturday, 8 March, at the Faculty of Informatics of Vytautas Magnus University, a mathematics Olympiad for students from 5-8 grades “Mathematical Challenge” took place.
The pupils were offered interesting mathematical problems, puzzles and other activities. Scientists from the LEI Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies and the Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety also participated in the event, presenting hydrogen reaction experiments, a quiz and a lecture “Unlock the Future with Hydrogen”.
The Olympiad aims to: (1) Encourage Lithuanian students to take an interest in non-standard mathematics problems. (2) To develop the creative abilities and independent thinking skills of mathematically gifted students in non-standard situations. (3) To stimulate students’ desire to compete with their peers and to provide opportunities for students in grades 5-8 to participate in national mathematics Olympiads.
During the first half of the day, while solving the tasks of the olympiad, students from all over Lithuania had to demonstrate their knowledge to prove they are among the best. Meanwhile, educators had the opportunity to participate in seminars: “The Presentation of the 8th Grade Textbook from the ‘Mathematics for All’ Series” (led by expert teacher Vilma Pipirienė) and “Analysis of the ‘Mathematical Challenge’ Olympiad Tasks” (led by expert teacher Leonas Narkevičius).
The second half of the day is where lectures and workshops for both students and educators took place. “Unlock the Future with Hydrogen,” led by Dr. Darius Milčius, Senior Researcher at the Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies of the Lithuanian Energy Institute, and “How Artificial Intelligence Helps Combat Negative Comments Online?” led by Dr. Danguolė Kalinauskaitė, a researcher at Vytautas Magnus University, a Doctor of Humanities, and the head of the language technology company “Lingo data.”
We congratulate and appreciate the students, teachers, and fellow scientists who willingly dedicated their day off to science and were able to contribute to inspiring students to choose STEM study fields!
Organisers of the event: the Faculty of Informatics of Vytautas Magnus University and Delta School
The event was sponsored by TEV Publishing House, VMU IF Alumni, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuanian Mathematical Society.