Project “Particles and fluid flow behaviour in micro and nano structures” submitted by LEI scientist Paulius Vilkinis will be funded by Research Council of Lithuania.
About the project
Particle separation and trapping has been extensively studied for more than a decade in various science fields, such as biomedicine, chemistry, electronics industry, etc. Single-particle trapping mechanisms into microchannels are not fully investigated yet and demand further research. Microparticle trapping occurs in practical applications such as lymphocyte separation for blood to perform HIV tests, stem cells enrichment or various disease detection. Particle separation is mainly used for particle tracking during the medicine delivery to tumors to ensure successful treatments. Particle separation and trapping can be performed using various techniques, however, in the present work investigations are focused on inertial microfluidics. This project will combine two methods – experimental flow visualization measurements and molecular dynamics simulation. With our advanced flow visualization equipment, we have a possibility to make experiments in wider Reynolds number range and deepen our knowledge about these mechanisms or even uncover a few more, which would apply at high Re number in microscale. Also, we will be using molecular modeling, which allows us to scale down microchannels to nanoscale and investigate them numerically. A better understanding of physics in particle separation and trapping processes in micro- and nano- scales would make a possibility to develop or improve various biochemical, biomedical, and microelectronic devices.
Selected projects:
This competitive research funding measure provides a possibility for a researcher, or a group of researchers, to conduct a bottom-up research projects.
The measure is intended to support well-defined research projects with a clearly identified project objectives, methodology and timeline.