Mindaugas Kulokas

Laboratory of Heat-Equipment Research and Testing (12)
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Scientific article


Kulokas M. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI]. Investigation of Buckwheat Hulls as Additives in the Production of Solid Biomass Fuel from Straw In: Energies. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 4 (2), 265, p. 1-10. ISSN 1996-1073.


Kulokas M. [LEI], Zaleskas V. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI], Praspaliauskas M. [LEI], Buinevičius K.. Properties of biofuel fly ash and capabilities of its use for agricultural needs In: Agronomy research. 2019, Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 540-550. ISSN 1406-894X.

Conference paper


Zaleskas V. [LEI], Kulokas M. [LEI], Pedišius N. [LEI]. Investigation of chemical composition of particulate matter emmited from small and medium scale biomass boilers In: The 15th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI 2018) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 23-25, 2018. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2018, p. 19-26. ISSN 1822-7554.

Projects in Lithuania

EU Structural Funds

2014–2020 ES fondų investicijų ženklas

UAB „AXIS Tech“ AXIS Tech, together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute, are implementing the project "AXIS Tech R&D activities for the development of innovative solutions More

2014–2020 ES fondų investicijų ženklas

UAB Enerstena together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is implementing the project "Multifunctional Biomass Energy TechnolMore