Mindaugas Vaišnoras

Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety (17)
Senior research associate
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Scientific article


Kononova O., Krasnikovs A., Jafarli I., Nováková I., Gulik V., Vaišnoras M. [LEI]. Effective Mechanical Properties of a Composite Material Reinforced by Oil Shale Ash Particles In: Applied Sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2025, Vol. 15, Iss. 3, 1281, p. 1-21. ISSN 2076-3417.


Nováková I., Jhatial A. A., Kekez S., Gjerlow E., Gulik V., Kannathasan K. R., Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Krasnikovs A.. Investigating the Influence of Oil Shale Ash and Basalt Composite Fibres on the Interfacial Transition Zone in Concrete In: Buildings. Basel: MDPI, 2024, Vol. 14, 1952, p. 1-15. ISSN 2075-5309.
Tohver H., Slavickas A. [LEI], Holiuk M., Krasnikovs A., Mõtlep R., Nováková I., Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Gulik V.. Assessing shielding material Performance: Benchmarking of Monte Carlo codes for oil shale and Basalt-Boron fiber concretes In: Nuclear Engineering and Design. Lausanne: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 417, 112811, p. 1-15. ISSN 0029-5493.


Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI]. RELAP5 application for water hammer analysis in different thermal-hydraulic systems In: International Journal of Thermofluids . Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 14, 100154, p. 1-13. Scopus ..


Alzbutas R. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Šarūnienė I. [LEI], Krikštolaitis R. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Babilas E. [LEI], Augutis J. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Iešmantas T. [LEI], Anusauskas F., Mataitis L.. Aggregated Risk Assessment and Survey for Risk Reduction in Oil Terminals In: Sustainability. Basel: MDPI, 2021, Vol. 13, 12169, p. 1-21. ISSN 2071-1050.


Babilas E. [LEI], Dokucajev P., Janulevičius D., Markelov A., Pabarčius R. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI]. Innovative technologies for spent fuel safe management at Ignalina channel-type reactors In: Nuclear engineering and technology. Daejeon, South Korea: Korean Nuclear Society, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC, 2018, Vol. 50, Iss. 3, p. 504-511. ISSN 1738-5733.
Valinčius M. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI]. Study and demonstration of pressure wave-based leak detection in a district heating network In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. Didžioji Britanija: Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, p. 151-162. ISSN 1573-2479.


Kaliatka T. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Mochizuki H., van Rooijen W. F. G.. Best estimate approach for the evaluation of critical heat flux phenomenon in the boiling water reactors In: Kerntechnik. 2017, Vol. 82, No. 2, p. 148-160. ISSN 0932-3902.
Pinna T., Carloni D., Carpignano A., Ciattaglia S., Johnston J., Porfiri M. T., Savoldi L., Taylor N., Sobrero G., Uggenti A. C., Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Zanino R.. Identification of accident sequences for the DEMO plant In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 2017, Vol. 124, p. 1277-1280. ISSN 0920-3796.


Ušpuras E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Janulionis R. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Voronov R. [LEI], Iešmantas T. [LEI], Kačegavičius T. [LEI]. Branduolių sintezės tyrimai Lietuvos energetikos institute In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 3, p. 102-123. ISSN 0235-7208.

Conference paper


Slavickas A. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Babilas E. [LEI]. Evaluation of Radiation Shielding Properties for Innovative Concrete With Oil Shale and Basalt-Boron Fiber Additives In: Books of Abstracts The Polymers 2024, Composites 2024 and 3Bs Materials 2024 International Joint Conference, Seville, Spain, March 6-8, 2024.. Seville: Setcor, 2024, p. 27-27..
Jafarli I., Macanovskis A., Gjerlow E., Nováková I., Mõtlep R., Vaišnoras M. [LEI]. Mechanical properties of epoxy and concrete based composite materials reinforced with oil shale ash In: 23 rd International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings May 22-24, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2024, Vol. 23, TF029, p. 124-133. ISSN 1691-5976.
Romanenko I., Nováková I., Mõtlep R., Gulik V., Krasnikovs A., Vaišnoras M. [LEI]. Neutron shielding material containing basalt-boron fibers and OSA for spent nuclear fuel container, numerical modelling In: 23 rd International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings May 22-24, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2024, Vol. 23, TF109, p. 588-593. ISSN 1691-5976.
Kannathasan K. R., Michaelraj S. J. M., Gjerlow E., Nováková I., Vaišnoras M. [LEI]. Hybrid fiber composite material with OSA mechanical load-bearing capacity after thermal heating In: 23 rd International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development Proceedings May 22-24, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, 2024, Vol. 23, TF179, p. 901-907. ISSN 1691-5976.


Salupere S., Nováková I., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Krasnikovs A., Gulik V., Mõtlep R.. ICONDE – innovation in concrete design for hazardous waste management applications In: 10th International Symposium on Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material (NORM). Utrecht: 2022, Session 19: ENA - NORM Residue and Waste Management, p. 1-16..


Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Valinčius M. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI]. RELAP5 application for water hammer analysis in different thermal-hydraulic systems In: Proceedings 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ATE-HEFAT2021), Virtual conference, 26-28 July 2021.. Amsterdam: American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, 2021, p. 1921-1926. ISBN 978-1-77592-216-2 .

Popular science article


Babilas E. [LEI], Pabarčius R. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Šeporaitis M. [LEI], Tonkūnas A. [LEI]. LEI activities in the EU projects directed to support the Regulatory Body of Iraq In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2020, T. 66, Nr. 1, p. i-ii. EBSCO (Academic Search Complete), INSPEC, Index Copernicus, SCOPUS, VINITI, Ulrich's Web . ISSN 0235-7208, eISSN 1822-8836.

International projects

Horizon Europe


The EASI-SMR project intends to address the safety issues related to the LW-SMR in order to provide advances that should support implementation of such technologies as soon as possiblMore


Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are one of the key options for the near-term deployment of new nuclear reactors. Currently in Europe there is a growing interest towards the deployment ofMore


EUROfusion’s updated Fusion Research Roadmap aims to acquire the necessary knowledge to start constructing a demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO) five years after ITER is in full-pMore

Horizon 2020

R2CA project logo

The Reduction of Radiological Consequences of design basis and extension Accidents (R2CA) is an EU H2020 project launched in September 2019. It will run for four years and is coordinaMore


The region of the European Union around the Baltic sea especially the countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are not adequately integrated to the European electricity grid. At the enMore


The goal of the project is an analysis of the applicability and technical feasibility of the IVMR strategy to high power reactors, both for existing ones (e.g. VVER 1000 type 320 unitMore


EUROfusion, the ‘European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy’, manages and funds European fusion research activities on behalf of Euratom. Thirty members*, representing More

Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)


The ARCADIA project has been conceived so as to provide a twofold support to the further development of nuclear research programs in the NMS, targeting two major areas included in theMore


The strategic objective of NC2I-R is to structure the European public and private R&D capabilities for delivering a nuclear cogeneration demonstrator fully meeting the market needMore


The objective of the NUGENIA+ project is to support the NUGENIA Association in its role to coordinate and integrate European research on safety of the Gen II and III nuclear installatMore


The Fukushima accidents highlighted that both the in-depth understanding of such sequences and the development or improvement of adequate severe accident management measures is essentMore


The European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative was launched in November 2010 to anticipate the development a fleet of fast reactors with closed cycle. Three fast neutron technMore


Most of the actors involved in severe accident research in Europe, plus Canada, Korea and the United States (41 partners), will network in SARNET2 (Severe Accident Research NETwork ofMore

Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)


The Network of Competency SARNET – the project for the Integration and management of severe accidents phenomena in research in Europe – was launched in March, 2004. The SARNET projectMore

Baltic Research Programme

EEA Grants logo thumbnail

The project seeks to develop specialized concrete for the long-term storage of hazardous waste, which can be immobilized in concrete containers or directly in the concrete mass. DeMore



Two Russian design channel-type graphite-moderated boiling water reactors (RBMK-1500) were shut down for decommissioning in 2004 (Unit 1) and 2009 (Unit 2) at the Ignalina Nuclear PowMore

Other international projects


Project participants: Aslan Avcı Döküm Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., Turkey Lietuvos energetikos institutas, LithuaniaMore

Projects in Lithuania

EU Structural Funds


  Project summary: The project is implemented under the Development Programme Manager of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania for the perMore

ES fondų investicijos 2014-2020 m.

On 7 February 2018, the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and the public institution Central Project Management Agency (CPVA) signed a contract for the implementation of the projeMore