Scientific article
Conference paper
International projects
Horizon Europe

The EASI-SMR project intends to address the safety issues related to the LW-SMR in order to provide advances that should support implementation of such technologies as soon as possiblMore

Increasing further the safety of light water nuclear reactors in the new operating conditions induced by their integration in a more varied energy mix brings many new challenges for fMore

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are one of the key options for the near-term deployment of new nuclear reactors. Currently in Europe there is a growing interest towards the deployment ofMore
Horizon 2020

The Reduction of Radiological Consequences of design basis and extension Accidents (R2CA) is an EU H2020 project launched in September 2019. It will run for four years and is coordinaMore

The overall objective of the MUSA project is to assess the capability of SA codes when modelling reactor and SFP accident scenarios of GEN II, GEN III and GEN III+ reactor designs. ToMore

REEEM AIMS to gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of the system-wide implications of energy strategies in support of transitions to a competitive low-carbon EU energy societyMore

The goal of the project is an analysis of the applicability and technical feasibility of the IVMR strategy to high power reactors, both for existing ones (e.g. VVER 1000 type 320 unitMore

The Coordinated Research Project (CRP) aims to progress the understanding and modelling and simulation of major physical phenomena occurring in the strategy of In-Vessel Melt RetentioMore

Description - Advanced understanding of the status and capabilities of multi-physics/multi-scale simulation tools in modeling propagation and consequences of severe accidents in advaMore
Projects in Lithuania
EU Structural Funds

The objective of the project Testing an R&D idea – Numerical study of thermohydraulic processes in Small Modular Reactors (No. 10-038-T-0127) is to prepare and applicationMore

Akcinė bendrovė „Astra LT“ kartu su partneriu Lietuvos energetikos institutu įgyvendina projektą „Investicijos į labai didelių gabaritų talpyklų ir reaktorių su kavitaciniu maišymu More