Scientific article
Conference paper
Popular science article
International projects
Fifth Framework Programme (FP5)
Standards are seen as a major measure to develop the markets for solid bio fuels to achieve the environmental, social and agricultural goals of the Commission. On this background the More

LowTemp 2.0 trained district heating stakeholders to improve their skills in reducing energy waste. Project summary Modernisation of district heating systems (DHS) is in full swMore

In the project "Baltic Energy Areas – A Planning Perspective" (BEA-APP) 11 partners from eight countries around the Baltic Sea cooperate to support the transition towards low-carbon eMore

Bioenergy Promotion 1 (2009-2012) Key outcomes and lessons from the Main stage project Bioenergy Promotion (2009-2012). During the period 2009-2011 the consortium behind the BioeneMore
Other international projects

The BIORET project is about sustainable heat and electricity production in the Baltic Sea region. It will focus on the creation of a transnational network for knowledge and experienceMore
Projects in Lithuania
EU Structural Funds

UAB „AXIS Tech“ AXIS Tech, together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute, are implementing the project "AXIS Tech R&D activities for the development of innovative solutions More

UAB Enerstena together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is implementing the project "Multifunctional Biomass Energy TechnolMore

The potential of different types of biofuels produced from agricultural waste and recycling products, such as straw, straw mixtures, non-food grains, is considerable in Lithuania, reaMore
Research Council of Lithuania projects

Micro- and nano-scale structures are used in a wide range of lab-on-a-chip, micro-total-analysis-systems and MEMS devices, where particle flow control plays an important role. One of More