Scientific article
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Kulkovas V. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Jouhara H., Miliauskas G., Puida E..
Flue Gas Condensation in a Model of the Heat Exchanger: The Effect of the Cooling Water Flow Rate and Its Temperature on Local Heat Transfer
Applied sciences. Basel: MDPI, 2022, Vol. 12, Iss. 24, 12650, p. 1-17. ISSN 2076-3417.
Miliauskas G., Puida E., Poškas R. [LEI], Ragaišis V. [LEI], Paukštaitis L., Jouhara H., Mingilaitė L..
Experimental investigations of water droplet transient phase changes in flue gas flow in the range of temperatures characteristic of condensing economizer technologies
Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2022, Vol. 256, 124643, p. 1-11. ISSN 0360-5442, eISSN 1873-6785.
Conference paper
Mingilaitė L., Poškas R. [LEI].
Water vapor condensation on vertical tube bundle from biofuel flue gas
RAD 2023: 11th international conference on radiation, natural sciences, medicine, engineering, technology and ecology, (RAD 2023), June 19–23, 2023, Herceg Novi, Montenegro: book of abstracts [CD-ROM] / [editor Goran S. Ristić]. Niš: RAD Centre, 2023, p. 66-66. ISBN 978-86-901150-6-8.
Mingilaitė L., Poškas R. [LEI].
Water vapor condensation on vertical tubes from biofuel flue gas
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 368-370. ISSN 2783-6339.
Salem M. [LEI], Poškas R. [LEI].
Possibilities of the waste heat recovery from industrial processes
CYSENI 2022: 18th international conference of young scientists on energy and natural sciences issues, 24-27 May 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania. Kaunas: Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2022, p. 142-144. ISSN 2783-6339.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Kulkovas V. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI].
Preliminary investigations of water injection impact on vapour from flue gases condensation in a model of a vertical condensing heat exchanger
The 17th International Conference of Young Scientists on Energy and Natural Sciences Issues (CYSENI 2021) Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2021, p. 548-556. ISSN 1822-7554.
Poškas R. [LEI], Račkaitis K. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Zujus R. [LEI].
Modeling and analysis of the flow structure in narrow helium and air gaps of the castor cask for RBMK-1500 spent nuclear fuel storage
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ATE-HEFAT2021), Virtual conference, 26-28 July 2021.. Amsterdam: American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, 2021, p. 1421-1426. ISBN 978-1-77592-216-2 .
Puida E., Miliauskas G., Poškas R. [LEI], Poškas P. [LEI], Paukštaitis L..
An experimental investigation of the ęffęct of airlow heating and humidification on a water droplet’s thermal state and phase changes
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (ATE-HEFAT2021), Virtual conference, 26-28 July 2021.. Amsterdam: American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers, 2021, p. 224-229. ISBN 978-1-77592-216-2.
Poškas R. [LEI], Sirvydas A. [LEI], Kulkovas V. [LEI], Miliauskas G., Puida E..
Cooling water flow rate impact on water vapor condensation from flue gas in a vertical tube water injection
14th international scientific conference on energy and climate change, 13-15 October 2021: proceedings. Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2021, p. 166-177. ISSN 2241-7850 ISBN 978-618-84817-3-2 .
Doudou S., Swain-Phipps E. K., Fuller A. J., Wickham S. M., Daniels N., Fourcy E., Fournier M., Frasca B., Meert K., Mikusova A., Olin M., Poškas R. [LEI], Scales C..
Strategic Study of Thermal Treatment of European Radioactive Wastes
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 4-5 February 2020 Manchester. Manchester: IOP Publishing, 2020, Vol. 818, 012002, p. 1-9. ISSN 1757-899X.