Scientific article
Conference paper
International projects
Horizon 2020

INCEFA-PLUS delivers new experimental data and new guidelines for assessment of environmental fatigue damage to ensure safe operation of European nuclear power plants. Austenitic sMore
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Fibre Reinforced Cement (FRC) is a durable, fire and corrosion resistant material widely used in the construction industry. Coupled with the low cost of Portland cement, these propertMore
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
NESSHY is the only running FP6 IP dedicated to medium to long term R&D on hydrogen storage in solids. It is widely recognised that H2 storage is one of the major technical barrierMore
Main problem - is to understand physical phenomena of mechanical properties of W and to reduce the impurities in the main chamber: Mechanism of restructuring and surface relocatiMore
In this proposal, an outline for NENNET, a high quality research network bundling competences in materials sciences, nano-applications and self formation in Lithuania is given. LithuaMore

COST Action MP0701 is concerned with polymers, which are reinforced with nano particles. Polymer Nanocomposites are blends of different polymer matrices with nanometre sized functionaMore
Projects in Lithuania
EU Structural Funds

UAB Enerstena together with its partner Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is implementing the project "Multifunctional Biomass Energy TechnolMore

Lietuvos energetikos institutas įgyvendina projektą „Kompetencijos centro MTEP veiklų vykdymas, sukuriant ir išbandant inovatyvų dujinių biodegalų gamybos prototipą“ Nr. 01.2.2-CPMore