International projects
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
NESSHY is the only running FP6 IP dedicated to medium to long term R&D on hydrogen storage in solids. It is widely recognised that H2 storage is one of the major technical barrierMore
Main problem - is to understand physical phenomena of mechanical properties of W and to reduce the impurities in the main chamber: Mechanism of restructuring and surface relocatiMore
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate the participation of the Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) in Priority 6.1 of the 6th Framework Programme and a good start in More

Efficient energy storage systems are essential in order to increase energy efficiency, improve economic efficiency and reduce environmental impact of mobile and stationary equipment, More
Projects in Lithuania
EU Structural Funds

High heat losses in buildings are a particular issue in Lithuania today. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing heating bills can be achieved by increasing the therMore