Virginijus Vileiniškis

Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety (17)
Senior research associate
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Scientific article


Mascari F., Bersano A., Massone M., Agnello G., Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], et al. Main outcomes of the Phebus FPT1 uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the EU-MUSA project In: Annals of Nuclear Energy . Oxford: Elsevier, 2024, Vol. 196, 110205, p. 1-10. ISSN 0306-4549, eISSN 1873-2100.


Coindreau O., Herranz L.E., Bocanegra R., Ederli S., Maccari P., Mascari F., Cherednichenko O., Iskra A., Groudev P., Vryashkova P., Petrova P., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Malicki M., Lind T., Kotsuba O., Ivanov I., Giannetti F., D'Onorio M., Ou P., Feiye L., Piluso P., Pontillon Y., Nudi M.. Uncertainty quantification for a severe accident sequence in a SFP in the frame of the H-2020 project MUSA: First outcomes In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. Oxford: Elsevier, 2023, Vol. 188, 109796, p. 1-9. ISSN 0306-4549, eISSN 1873-2100.


Coindreau O., Jackel B., Rocchi F., Alcaro F., Angelova D., Bandini G., Barnak M., Behler M., Da Cruz D. F., Dagan R., Drai P., Ederli S., Herranz L.E., Hollands T., Horvath G., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kljenak I., Kotsuba O., Lind T., Lopez C., Mancheva K., Matejovic P., Matkovič M., Steinbruck M., Stempniewicz M., Thomas R., Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Visser D.C., Vokač P., Vorobyov Y., Zhabin O.. Severe accident code-to-code comparison for two accident scenarios in a spent fuel pool In: Annals of Nuclear Energy. Oxford, England: Elsevier, 2018, Vil. 120, p. 880-887. ISSN 0306-4549.


Ušpuras E. [LEI], Rimkevičius S. [LEI], Urbonavičius E. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Dundulis G. [LEI], Alzbutas R. [LEI], Stankūnas G. [LEI], Vaišnoras M. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Povilaitis M. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Janulionis R. [LEI], Karalevičius R. [LEI], Voronov R. [LEI], Iešmantas T. [LEI], Kačegavičius T. [LEI]. Branduolių sintezės tyrimai Lietuvos energetikos institute In: Energetika. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016, T. 62, Nr. 3, p. 102-123. ISSN 0235-7208.
Kaliatka T. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI]. Application of Best Estimate Approach for Modelling of QUENCH-03 and QUENCH-06 Experiments In: Nuclear Engineering and Technology. Korėja: Elsevier, 2016, Vol. 48, p. 419-433. ISSN 1738-5733.


Kaliatka T. [LEI], Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI]. Modelling of QUENCH-03 and QUENCH-06 experiments using RELAP/SCDAPSIM and ASTEC codes In: Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2014, Volume 2014, p. 1-13. ISSN 1687-6075.


Kaliatka A. [LEI], Ognerubov V., Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI]. Analysis of the processes in spent fuel pools in case of loss of heat removal due to water leakage In: Science and technology of nuclear installations. 2013, Vol. 2013, p. 1-7. ISSN 1687-6075.


Kaliatka A. [LEI], Ognerubov V., Vileiniškis V. [LEI]. Analysis of the processes in spent fuel pools of Ignalina NPP in case of loss of heat removal In: Nuclear engineering and design. Elsevier, 2010, Vol. 240, iss. 5, p. 1073-1082. ISSN 0029-5493.

Conference paper


Coindreau O., Garcia M., Herranz L.E., Ederli S., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], et al. Synthesis of source term assessments for a loss-ofcooling accident in a spent fuel pool: insights from uncertainty and sensitivity analyses and potential benefit of water injection by spray system In: Proceedings of the 11th European Review Meeting on Severe Accidents Research (ERMSAR2024). Stockholm: Publisher Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (KTH), 2024, Log Number 98, p. 1-13..


Coindreau O., Herranz L.E., Bocanegra R., Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], et al. Uncertainty quantification for a severe accident sequence in a sfp in the frame of the H-2020 project musa: first outcomes In: Proceedings of the 10th European Review Meeting on Severe Accidents Research (ERMSAR2022) May 16-19, 2022. Karlsruhe: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2022, Log. No. 275, p. 1-12..


Kaliatka A. [LEI], Kaliatka T. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI]. Best Estimate Approach for the Simulation of Reactor Core Overheating and Quenching Experiments In: Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty International Conference. Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulations with Uncertainty (BEPU 2018) May 13-18, 2018. Lucca, Italy: 2018, p. 1-12..


Kaliatka A. [LEI], Vileiniškis V. [LEI], Ušpuras E. [LEI]. Analysis of heat removal accidents during the wet storage phase in Ignalina nuclear power plant In: The 26th international symposium on transport phenomena . Leoben, Austria: 2015, p. 1-8..
Šutas A., Vileiniškis V. [LEI]. Uncertainty analysis of severe accident in the spent fuel pool In: 12th Annual international conference of young scientists on energy issues (CYSENI 2015), Kaunas, Lithuania, May 27–28, 2015. Kaunas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, 2015, p. 418-427. ISSN 1822-7554.

International projects

Horizon 2020

R2CA project logo

The Reduction of Radiological Consequences of design basis and extension Accidents (R2CA) is an EU H2020 project launched in September 2019. It will run for four years and is coordinaMore

MUSA project logo

The overall objective of the MUSA project is to assess the capability of SA codes when modelling reactor and SFP accident scenarios of GEN II, GEN III and GEN III+ reactor designs. ToMore


The goal of the project is an analysis of the applicability and technical feasibility of the IVMR strategy to high power reactors, both for existing ones (e.g. VVER 1000 type 320 unitMore


EUROfusion, the ‘European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy’, manages and funds European fusion research activities on behalf of Euratom. Thirty members*, representing More

Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)


The objective of the NUGENIA+ project is to support the NUGENIA Association in its role to coordinate and integrate European research on safety of the Gen II and III nuclear installatMore


Since 2013, LEI participated in the Consortium, managed by the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), by implementing EU Seventh Framework Programme project AdvancMore


The Fukushima accidents highlighted that both the in-depth understanding of such sequences and the development or improvement of adequate severe accident management measures is essentMore


The European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative was launched in November 2010 to anticipate the development a fleet of fast reactors with closed cycle. Three fast neutron technMore


Most of the actors involved in severe accident research in Europe, plus Canada, Korea and the United States (41 partners), will network in SARNET2 (Severe Accident Research NETwork ofMore


Today, about 80% of all energy produced comes from the fossil fuel (oil, carbon, and natural gas). European scientists are developing environmentally friendly, safe, and renewable eneMore

Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)


The Network of Competency SARNET – the project for the Integration and management of severe accidents phenomena in research in Europe – was launched in March, 2004. The SARNET projectMore


IAEA logo

The Coordinated Research Project (CRP) aims to progress the understanding and modelling and simulation of major physical phenomena occurring in the strategy of In-Vessel Melt RetentioMore

IAEA logo

Description - Advanced understanding of the status and capabilities of multi-physics/multi-scale simulation tools in modeling propagation and consequences of severe accidents in advaMore

Projects in Lithuania

EU Structural Funds


  Objective of the project Testing an R&D idea - Managing uncertainties in severe accidents at nuclear installations (No. 10-038-T-0101) is to prepare and application proposMore