PhD Position on Development and Research of Demand Response Control Algorithms in Smart Grids


Job description

Energy transition to decarbonized energy sector presumes development of smart grids and consumer empowerment leading to massive involvement of consumers into energy markets and operational control of power systems. The flexibility of electricity demand / loads of consumers in the meaning of demand response (DR) is a pathway to, and prerequisite of such involvement as it enables matching of electricity demand with the growing shares of variable renewble energy in power supply.

The proposed PhD position on Development and research of demand response (DR) control algorithms in smart grids is hosted in Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) as a part of CoDeF project – Consumer Demand Flexibility in Electricity Use. The project is granted by MSCA Doctoral Networks action under the call HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN-01, see project website

The proposed research is in line with the second one of three major CoDeF objectives as enabling frameworks: how to facilitate flexible consumer demand through enablers, such as control algorithms and smart grids, smart devices in the home, and institutional frameworks.

The research work will be carried out in LEI division Smart Grids and Renewable Energy Laboratory, supervised by senior researcher Virginijus Radziukynas and supported by the staff of the Laboratory. Since the CoDeF pursues overarching goals of training the recruited researchers and providing them with strong research skills and key transferable competencies in flexibility promotion, the PhD position at LEI could benefit of doctoral network synergies including knowledge exchange with other researchers and associated partners of the consortium. Collectively, the doctoral network will share multidisciplinary, integrated, innovative the research results relevant for energy policy, society and further research.

The objectives of this PhD research are (1) investigate the impact of demand response activation / deactivation processes on the grid stability in relation to transient processe, momentary voltage deviations (under-voltages, over-voltages) and over-currents; (2) develop the AI-based DR control algorithms which provide smooth and smart activation of DR units precluding the destabilisation of grid; (3) estimate /measure the effectiveness of the developed algorithms.

The expected results: (1) understanding of dependence of grid operational security on instantaneous massive activation / deactivation of DR ~capacities; (2) innovative DR control algorithms developed and tested; (3) indicators of effectiveness of DR control algorithms; (4) recommendations for relevant players as DR and flexibility aggregators, grid operators, BRPs and energy suppliers on optimal control of DR process.


The candidate is expected to be a highly motivated, enthusiastic and communicative researcher with a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering or related field, coming from a reputable institute. He/she is supposed to have:

  • excellent academic study results;
  • strong programming, power system modeling and analytical skills;
  • good knowledge of power system operation and control and planning, as well as energy market;
  • understanding of EU energy policy and energy markets;
  • very good written and spoken communication skills in English.

Experience with Matlab/Python/similar Tools is considered as bonus points for the candidate.

The candidate should not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (e.g. work, studies) in Lithuania for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start of his/her assignment.

Our offer

The candidate will be recruited for 36 months, with the initial appointment for 12 months, to be extended for subsequent years on the condition of positive evaluation by the doctoral commission. Salary for the workplace (PhD scholarship) is ~2,500 EUR.

The PhD candidate can start from existing energy system models and dedicated expertise available in the Laboratory group, and will collaborate both with other international partners of the CoDeF consortium.

Planned secondments during the recruitment include a 6 months stay at Technical University of Denmark DTU with focus on automatic control theory and artificial intelligence methods.

If successful, a PhD degree in Engineering will be awarded and the researcher will be enrolled at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).


Applicant should express his/her interest by completing an online application form by August 31, 2024 23:59. The application should include:

  • Data on Master degree (Master specification, University, Country, Year obtained);
  • Data on Master thesis (Title, Year, Supervisor);
  • Letter of motivation (up to half an A4 page);
  • CV, including a brief description of your three most impactful achievements to date (these achievements can be anything relevant to your academic or professional life);
  • Certificates;
  • Diplomas;
  • Contact details of two reference persons (contact details only – please do not submit reference letters)