LEI representatives visited Panevėžio Energija AB to discuss the possibilities of modernising the Panevėžys CHP plant

22 August 2024. A meeting between Panevėžio Energija AB and Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) representatives (Prof. Dr. Saulius Gudžius, newly appointed Director of the Institute, Deputy Directors Rimantas Bakas and Andrius Tamošiūnas, and Senior Researcher Rolandas Urbonas) took place.

During the meeting, the strategic plans of Panevėžio Energija AB for the modernisation of the Panevėžys Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) and the analysis of the Panevėžys CHP plant system/technology improvement carried out by the Lithuanian Energy Institute were presented. The plant’s operational capabilities and advantages, which could contribute to the optimisation of voltage and power management and power flows in the Lithuanian electricity system were considered. Discussions were held on the Lithuanian energy strategy and other topical issues. A tour of Panevėžys CHP plant concluded the meeting.

Panevėžio energija AB aims to modernise the Panevėžys CHP plant by constructing a biofuel steam boiler and other auxiliary equipment, connecting it to the existing steam turbine of the Panevėžys power plant and other engineering networks. The “green” electricity produced by the biofuel would be sold on the electricity exchange and the heat generated in the process would be fed into the district heating network of Panevėžys. The modernisation of the power plant would increase the use of renewable resources, reduce environmental impact and reduce dependence on natural gas.