Sixth Framework Programme (FP6)
Central and Eastern European electricity sectors in general deficit of knowledge on newest technologies on co-firing of biomass with fossil fuels, impact of co-firing on the plant itsMore
NESSHY is the only running FP6 IP dedicated to medium to long term R&D on hydrogen storage in solids. It is widely recognised that H2 storage is one of the major technical barrierMore
European organisations have been at the forefront in developing advanced plant life management methodologies, mainly at national level. Their overall impact has been reduced by fragmeMore

The CASES Co-ordination Action has three principal objectives: I.To compile detailed estimates of both external and internal costs of energy production for different energy sources foMore
Main problem - is to understand physical phenomena of mechanical properties of W and to reduce the impurities in the main chamber: Mechanism of restructuring and surface relocatiMore

Project Energy Sector Innovation – Financial Network (EIFN) was funded under 6th Framework Programme. This was one of the networks, funded under INNOVA initiative. Project was performMore

The integration of DER in the European electricity networks has attracted attention of energy producers, network operators, policy makers and R&D community. In some countries it cMore
In 2006 scientists of LEI implemented a first ITER safety justification project, which was supported through the EC FP-6 program. The objective of the project was to investigate if hyMore
The overall objective of the project is to facilitate the participation of the Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) in Priority 6.1 of the 6th Framework Programme and a good start in More

The eight Central European Countries (CEC), which have joined the EU on May, 1st 2004, face particular problems related to large-scale integration of renewable- and co-generation elecMore
HYTRAIN is a Marie Curie Research Training Network, funded under the EC’s 6th Framework Human Resources and Mobility Programme. The network comprises 18 of the leading European researMore

The NEEDS proposal addresses Priority 6.1: Sustainable Energy Systems and, more specifically, Sub-priority Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy. Its ultimaMore
In this proposal, an outline for NENNET, a high quality research network bundling competences in materials sciences, nano-applications and self formation in Lithuania is given. LithuaMore

The Network of Competency SARNET – the project for the Integration and management of severe accidents phenomena in research in Europe – was launched in March, 2004. The SARNET projectMore