Horizon Europe

EURAD-2 builds upon EURAD-1 and PREDIS to further implement a joint strategic programme of research, development and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing toMore

The ResMe2E project aims to revolutionize small-scale green energy production by developing systems for generating green methanol from biogenic residues and converting this synthetic More

The EASI-SMR project intends to address the safety issues related to the LW-SMR in order to provide advances that should support implementation of such technologies as soon as possiblMore

The CoDeF project is an EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD training network focused on the topic of consumer energy demand flexibility. This research project provides a fantastic opportuniMore

The overarching aim of RE-WITCH is to deliver cost-competitive, game-changing solutions in the field of sustainable industrial cooling and heating. To do so, RE-WITCH will demonstrateMore

Europe is the world leader in glass making, a highly energy-intensive industry that emits high amounts of CO2. The past century has seen improvements in the production process, but thMore

REEFLEX aims to generate niches of opportunities for new cross-sector energy services provided by SMEs and start-ups in demand side flexibility markets and to increase participation oMore

Increasing further the safety of light water nuclear reactors in the new operating conditions induced by their integration in a more varied energy mix brings many new challenges for fMore

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are one of the key options for the near-term deployment of new nuclear reactors. Currently in Europe there is a growing interest towards the deployment ofMore

The project aims to establish and clarify the benefits and added value of more aligned and harmonised regulations and standards for prioritised topics related to decommissioning and iMore

LEI coordinated project "Towards harmonisation in licensing of future nuclear power technologies in Europe" (HARMONISE). Innovative fission and fusion installations encompass novelMore

EUROfusion’s updated Fusion Research Roadmap aims to acquire the necessary knowledge to start constructing a demonstration fusion power plant (DEMO) five years after ITER is in full-pMore