Two Russian design channel-type graphite-moderated boiling water reactors (RBMK-1500) were shut down for decommissioning in 2004 (Unit 1) and 2009 (Unit 2) at the Ignalina Nuclear PowMore
This Coordinated Research Project (CRP) seeks to advance the fundamental fusion-material research and technologies, in close connection with high gain target development, and enhanceMore
In order to assess the ability of spent fuel assemblies to meet the requirements for transition from one back end fuel cycle step to another, certain characteristics have to be known More
The Coordinated Research Project (CRP) aims to progress the understanding and modelling and simulation of major physical phenomena occurring in the strategy of In-Vessel Melt RetentioMore
Description - Advanced understanding of the status and capabilities of multi-physics/multi-scale simulation tools in modeling propagation and consequences of severe accidents in advaMore
The successful deployment of advanced WCR technologies includes the development of design certification probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) studies that among other aspects must alsMore
Investigations will be performed for the two types of passive systems: when the final heat sink is water, when the final heat sink is air. In the frame of this IAEA CoordinMore
Project is devoted to elaboration of methodology and corresponding mathematical models (based on IAEA tools) for evaluation of the least-cost long term greenhouse gas mitigation stratMore
The present spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management concept in the Lithuania foresees dry storage of SNF for 50 years. During this time the final SNF management concept shall be developedMore
The CRP will review, test and apply prototype methodologies to analyze Climate-, Land-, Energy-, Water- (CLEW) interrelations to selected case studies. These analyses will demonstrateMore
Components for nuclear reactors are made from zirconium alloys because they have a low thermal neutron capture cross-section, high resistance to corrosion in high temperature water anMore
The major goal of the this CRP is to develop experimental procedures for the reproducible measurements of delayed hydride cracking velocity of zirconium alloy cladding. In this procesMore
Under this IAEA program in 2007-2008 LEI researchers performed work, which included the assessment of evacuation zone and protection means of NPPs and the analysis of perspectives of More