LIFE Programme

Despite progress in legislative and policy areas, the EU continues to face major environmental and climate challenges impact both the ecosystem and the well-being of EU citizens. A siMore

The Project will implement the National Water Sector Plan, ensuring elimination or mitigation of significant impacts of prevailing pressures and contributing to achieving good status More

LIFE22-CET-Low2HighDH is a 3-year project supporting 30 high temperature district heating sites (HT DHC) in Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia in the implementation process of low-gradeMore

About the Project: ODYSSEE-MURE “Monitoring the Energy Efficiency Pillar for Climate Neutrality” aims at supporting policy makers in EU Commission, Member States (MS) and Energy CommMore

About the Project: Lithuania has ratified the Paris Agreement and, together with other EU Member States (MS), has made a binding commitment to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissionsMore