Lithuanian Energy Institute is carrying out the project “Investigation of waste fishing gear pyrolysis”, Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-06-0215, funded by EU Social Fund according to EU Fund Investment Action program priority No. 9 – ”Education of public and reinforcement of human resources” means No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 denoted as “Raising the competences for scientific research of scientists, other researchers and students by means of practical research activity”.
Recently increasing waste from marine industry is drawing more attention, as it is a liability to marine environment, and in order to mitigate the threat to marine organisms, it is necessary to collect lost fishing gear such as ropes and nets. Large quantities of recovered fishing nets are forfeited to municipal landfills. This issue is tackled by scientists of Lithuanian Energy Institute by suggesting a more attractive means of waste utilization – pyrolysis of fishing nets (thermal breakdown). During this process, the total amount of waste is reduced, and profitable chemical and energetic resources are produced. Thermal processing of polymers (used fishing nets and ropes) is important for both energy production and waste management. Utilized fishing nets (fishing gear waste) have a high calorific value, hence why processing of such waste may attract attention in industry. Conducting literature review has revealed no relevant research data, analyzing pyrolysis of used fishing gear, as this type of waste is usually combusted along with common household waste. During conference presentation, types and concentrations of produced chemicals and gases will be pointed out.
Aim of the project:
Increase the competence of Lithuanian researchers by participating in a well-regarded international conference “6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management” and present the obtained results on waste management.
Project duration:
2018 03 13 – 2018 06 18
Project participant: dr. Raminta Skvorčinskienė
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Raminta Skvorčinskienė | 231-AK | +37037401820 | Raminta.Skvorcinskiene@lei.lt |