Lithuanian Energy Institute is implementing the project ” Determination of the regularities during biomass drying – combustion in biofuel furnaces ” No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-09-0203 financed by the European Social Fund. The project is implemented under the Investment Action Program No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities”, under the impact of the measure “Development of students’ abilities through participation in scientific summer internships”.
The research topic is related to the identification of regularities influencing drying and combustion of biofuels of different characteristics in low and medium scale biomass furnaces. Biomass is replacing fossil fuels in the EU countries due to the increasing requirements for the generation of energy from renewable energy sources. The most widely used solid biomass combustion technique is reciprocating grate furnace, but for optimal and safe combustion of such fuel, it must be of high quality and of a stable moisture content. The increasing demand for solid biofuels is increasing up their price. In order to be competitive on the market, heat producers are using lower quality wet forest residues, which can have a moisture content of 60% (by weight) or even higher. Such fuels do not burn when placed on the grate, but firstly undergoes its drying, thus taking up most of the area on the grate. In addition, the moisture in the fuel reduces the calorific value of the fuel leading to higher fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. The lack of data on the regularities occurring in the combustion of wet, poor quality biofuels combustion has encouraged researchers around the world to undertake experimental and numerical studies on this topic.
The aim of the project: to investigate the drying behavior in the drying zone to mimic the main drying processes happening in the real biofuel combustion appliances. The influence of primary hot air and a mixture of hot air and steam, which mimics the flue gas recirculation products on the drying behavior of the biofuel in the stationary biofuel bed will be understand.
Project results: the project activities will provide the results on the influence of primary air and flue gas recirculation on the drying of biofuels and determine the drying regularieties in a stationary biofuel bed.
Project Manager: Dr. Nerijus Striūgas
Project participant: stud. Radvilė Klepeckaitė
Project duration: 2 July 2018 – 31 August 2018
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Nerijus Striūgas | 103-LK | +37037401932 | Nerijus.Striugas@lei.lt |