Advanced Multiphysics Simulation Technologies (AMST)

Project programme
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016
Project status
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Project website
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A vast number of engineering applications as diverse as in pharmaceutical, food and processing industry, mining, construction and agricultural machinery, metals manufacturing, energy production and systems biology include a particulate and continuous phase. Although simulation software for either discrete or continuous applications matured during the last decades, to date a large gap for integrated software to describe the interaction between a particulate and continuous phase exists.

Therefore, the objective is to develop Advanced Multi-physics Simulation Technology (AMST) as a flexible, extensible and versatile interface for coupling discrete numerical approaches to field problems applicable under industrial standards. The discrete simulation framework is represented by the novel Discrete Particle Method (DPM) that contrary to the classical Discrete Element Method predicts in addition to the kinematic also the thermodynamic state of individual particles in an ensemble. Rather than extending the Discrete Particle Method by continuous solution concepts of field problems such as structural analysis or fluid dynamics, the objective is met by controlling data transfer such as fluid forces, heat and mass transfer between the Discrete Particle Method and available software products for field problems.

These targets are successfully achieved by an interdisciplinary approach fostering the transfer of knowledge within an intersectorial partnership of the University of Luxembourg and the German SME inuTech with their complementary expertise. Strategic partners from the academic and industrial sector will contribute by giving expert advice and by providing industrial relevant test cases. Advanced Multi-physics Simulation Technology closes a large technological gap for research and industry, and contributes significantly to multi-physics research in Europe with a high impact on innovative engineering, sustainable intersectorial collaboration and European competitiveness.

Total cost of project:  891 436 EUR

Coordinator: UNIVERSITE DU LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg


  • INUTECH GMBH, Germany
  • PAUL WURTH SA, Luxembourg


Related scientific publications

Džiugys A. [LEI], Peters B., Navakas R. [LEI], Misiulis E. [LEI]. Density segregation on a moving grate In: Powder Technology. 2017, Vol. 305, p. 323-332. ISSN 0032-5910.
Peters B., Džiugys A. [LEI]. Evaluation of heat transfer on a backward acting grate In: Mechanika. 2017, Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 24-34. ISSN 1392-1207, eISSN 2029-6983.
Peters B., Besseron X., Džiugys A. [LEI], Estupinan A., Hoffmann F., Michael M., Mouhmadi A., Vogel F.. Die extended discrete element method (XDEM) für multiphysikalische Anwendungen In: ANSYS conference & 31th CADFEM users meeting 2013, Mannheim, June 19-21, 2013. Mannheim: 2013, p. 1-16..
Advanced Multiphysics Simulation Technologies (AMST) .
Advanced Multiphysics Simulation Technologies (AMST) .

Project Team

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LEI Representative
Algis Džiugys 432-AK +37037401874