A pan-European network of Ocean Tribology (CA23155)

Project programme
2024.10.04 - 2028.10.03
Project status
Project table
Database link

The main aim of this Ocean Tribology Center (OTC) COST Action is to create a pan-European-wide network of countries with a strong offshore affiliation for promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing towards the development of sustainable, reliable and energy efficient ocean systems. The network will focus on the science and technology of friction, wear, and lubrication of interacting surfaces in motion and operating in a marine environment, hence, coining it as ocean tribology. The network will combine expertise and infrastructure to generate insights that are applicable to different ocean systems or offshore installations, including offshore energy generators (wave, tidal, offshore wind, floating solar), subsea/submersible equipment and machinery on ships. It is driven by the ambition to realize sustainable and energy-efficient systems that can withstand the harsh ocean conditions with minimal ecological impact on the aquatic environment.

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Liutauras Marcinauskas 116-LK +37037401900 Liutauras.Marcinauskas@lei.lt

Project Team
Mindaugas Milieška 109-LK +37037401895 Mindaugas.Milieska@lei.lt
Žydrūnas Kavaliauskas 109-LK +37037401895 Zydrunas.Kavaliauskas@lei.lt
Mindaugas Aikas 06-LK +37037401867 Mindaugas.Aikas@lei.lt