The main objective of the COST Action 523 was the development of nanostructured materials with new and unique structural and functional properties in European industries, combined with fundamental research in order to solve technological problems which are at the origin of the present limited commercial diffusion of these materials.
These very broad aims were encapsulated in a single task that can be seen as attempt “to enhance scientific understanding of nanostructured materials”. The term “nano” was strictly defined as applying to materials whose novel properties are determined by features between 1 and 100nm.
This COST Action was created from a group of researchers who worked in the field of nanomaterial (European Consortium for Nano-Materials, ECNM) and which was the first organised group in the field of nanomaterials.
This Action was the first research programme at European level in nanomaterials. Later, substantial activities were initiated in the 5th and 6th EU Framework Programmes using the Action as an incubator and in the ESF EUROCORES Programme.
In view of the fundamental nature of the approach in this Action, the main outcome has been the strengthening of scientific foundations for understanding nanomaterials. One such example was the demonstration of self-organised growth.
Koordinatorius: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Vladas Vyšniauskas |