The Action generated new scientific knowledge about the fundamental physical, chemical and mechanical phenomena governing friction, wear and lubrication. This knowledge was used to develop novel low friction, wear control and environmentally adaptable lubrication solutions to solve the functionality of future engines and transmissions such as engines working with hydrogen fuels, micro-lubricated and dry lubricant free transmission applications.
The benefit of the Action is that the engine and transmission producing industry in Europe, that is especially the automotive industry, but also other sectors such as ship and rail industry, power plants and automated production, will be better prepared to meet the new challenges presented by changes taking place in our society and will be competitive on a global scale in the future.
That can give European industry a leading role when developing more sustainable solutions in transportation and industrial production.
LEI activities in the Project
The scientific aim of the project is development of relationship between atmospheric and reduced pressure plasma process, nitrided surface structure and their tribological properties.
• Studying the influence of plasma nitriding parameters (pressure, nitrogen gas ratio, temperature, etc.) on nitride layers structure by X-ray diffraction, SEM and optical microscopy;
• Evaluation of nitrided layers properties in dependence on their microstructure;
• Optimization of plasma working parameters and plasma torch design for steel alloys surface modification.
Total cost: 331 410 EUR
Coordinator: Prof Kenneth HOLMBERG (VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland)
- Belgium, Mr. Jan MENEVE jan.meneve@vito.be<jan.meneve@vito.be
- Belgium, Professor Jean-Pierre CELIS jeanpierre.celis@mtm.kuleuven.be
- Bulgaria, Dr. Mara KANDEVA kandeva@tu-sofia.acad.bg
- Bulgaria, Professor Stoyl STOYLOV stoylov@ipchp.ipc.bas.bg
- Croatia, Professor Vinko IVUSIC vinko.ivusic@fsb.hr
- Czech Republic, Professor Jan SUCHANEK csvzp@ms.anet.cz
- Denmark, Professor Niels BJERRUM njb@kemi.dtu.dk
- Finland, Professor Arto LEHTOVAARA arto.lehtovaara@tut.fi
- France, Professor Jean FRêNE jean.frene@lms.univ-poitiers.fr
- Germany, Dr. Klaus MICHAELIS michaelis@fzg.mw.tum.de
- Greece, Dr. C.a. CHARITIDIS charitidis@chemeng.ntua.gr
- Hungary, Dr. Andras KOVACS kovacsa@mfa.kfki.hu
- Hungary, Professor P.B. BARNA Barnap@mfa.kfki.hu
- Ireland, Dr. Leo SEXTON leo.sexton@laserage.ie
- Ireland, Dr. David KENNEDY david.kennedy@dit.ie
- Israel, Professor Lev RAPOPORT rapoport@hait.ac.il
- Israel, Professor Izhak ETSION etsion@tx.technion.ac.il
- Italy, Dr. Alberto Maria MERLO albertomaria.merlo@crf.it
- Italy, Professor Enrico CIULLI ciulli@ing.unipi.it
- Lithuania, Dr. Pranas VALATKEVICIUS pranas@mail.lei.lt
- Lithuania, Mr. Liutauras MARCINAUSKAS liutauras@isag.lei.lt
- Malta, Professor Maurice GRECH mgrech@eng.um.edu.mt
- Netherlands, Dr. Emile VAN DER HEIDE emile.vanderheide@tno.nl
- Netherlands, Professor D.j. SCHIPPER d.j.schipper@ctw.utwente.nl
- Norway, Professor Kristian TøNDER kristian.tonder@ntnu.no
- Poland, Professor Marian SZCZEREK Marian.Szczerek@itee.radom.pl
- Portugal, Professor Luis ANDRADE FERREIRA lferreir@fe.up.pt
- Portugal, Dr. Joao Paulo DIAS jpdias@ipn.pt
- Romania, Professor Andrei DEVENYI devenyi@infim.ro
- Romania, Dr. Dominic BIRO biro@engineering.uttgm.ro
- Serbia, Mrs. Danica JOSIFOVIC zokeruza@ptt.yu
- Serbia, Mrs. Zorica VUKADINOVIC zokeruza@ptt.yu
- Slovak Republic, Professor Eva ZDRAVECKA eva.zdravecka@tuke.sk
- Slovenia, Professor Jože VIžINTIN joze.vizintin@ctd.uni-lj.si
- Spain, Dr. Amaya IGARTUA aigartua@tekniker.es
- Spain, Professor Cristina GOMEZ cgaleix@icmm.csic.es
- Sweden, Professor Erik HøGLUND Erik.Hoglund@ltu.se
- Sweden, Professor Sture HOGMARK sture.hogmark@angstrom.uu.se
- Switzerland, Dr. Imad AHMED
- Switzerland, Professor Lukas ROHR lukas.rohr@empa.ch
- United Kingdom, Dr. Martin PRIEST M.Priest@leeds.ac.uk
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Pranas Valatkevičius | |||
Project Team |
Liutauras Marcinauskas | 116-LK | +37037401900 | Liutauras.Marcinauskas@lei.lt |