Utilisation of Biomass for Sustainable Fuels & Chemicals (UBIOCHEM) (CM0903)

Project programme
19.11.2009 - 18.11.2013
Project status
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Project website
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The main objective of the Action is to generate a synergistic approach for utilisation of biomass for sustainable fuels & chemicals through cooperation between scientists from different member states and different areas and disciplines. This Action is aimed at coordinating scientific innovations within Europe in order to improve existing methods or develop new ones for utilisation of biomass to produce biofuels, platform and specialty chemicals in accordance with the safety and environmental requirements. Special emphasis will be placed on the utilisation of lignocellulose biomass, algae and non-edible crops, which does not compete with food. It will involve the use of green catalytic methodologies (homogeneous, heterogeneous, enzymatic and photocatalysis) and novel reaction media. Moreover, alternative biomass-based products that are safer and have a reduced environmental footprint, (e.g. biodegradable polymers) will be explored. The Action is also linked to extended biorefinery concepts in wood and pulp industry and to greener and more economic energy utilization between plants and communities. Successful results will be a result of the cooperation of both scientists and R&D workers in universities, research institutes and in industry.

LEI activities in the Project

In this Action members of Lithuanian Energy Institute will perform the following studies:

  • Analysis of water vapor plasma generation principles and equipment evaluate the problem of water vapor plasma in the world scientific-technical literature.
  • Get acquainted with the possibilities and work of European scientists in researching biomass utilization processes.
  • Calculate and design a water vapor plasma generator.
  • Produce water vapor plasma generator, synchronize its work with auxiliary equipment (Power supply, cooling and plasma gas supply systems).
  • Get water vapor unbalanced plasma flow in a special-purpose plasma generator and conduct experimental studies.
  • Determine the electrical and thermal characteristics of the newly produced plasma generator and carry out its performance tests.
  • Implement the process of plasma pyrolysis and investigate process parameters.
  • Determine the efficiency of biomass utilization in water vapor plasma and find ways to increase it.

Coordinator: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Viktorija Grigaitienė 113-LK +37037401898 Viktorija.Grigaitiene@lei.lt

Project Team
Vilma Snapkauskienė 113-LK +37037401898 Vilma.Snapkauskiene@lei.lt
Andrius Tamošiūnas 204-AK +37037401999 Andrius.Tamosiunas@lei.lt
Mindaugas Milieška 109-LK +37037401895 Mindaugas.Milieska@lei.lt
Vitas Valinčius 114-LK +37037401896 Vitas.Valincius@lei.lt