- The approach to accomplish this aim is twofold:Academic/research organizations will devote strong efforts to bring together fundamental/advanced numerical and diagnostic tools to improve the understanding of combustion kinetics and by-products formation of smart energy carriers at micro/meso-scale levels. world
- The exchange between academic and industrial partners will support the optimization of tools developed in the Action exploiting the way that smart energy carriers could be utilised at the macro-scale in advanced combustion technology devices.
This Academia-Industry interaction will lead to the identification of standards and criteria for development of a searchable database and Internet tool devoted to integration of experimental and numerical combustion chemical/physical data which will provide an easy access to such information relevant to smart energy carrier components.
Coordinator: Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione IRCCNR, Naples, Italy.
Partners: Ireland, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Italy, Israel, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Portugal, France, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary, Germany.
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Nerijus Striūgas | 103-LK | +37037401932 | Nerijus.Striugas@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Robertas Navakas | 411-AK | +37037401851 | Robertas.Navakas@lei.lt |
Kęstutis Zakarauskas | 105-LK | +37037401830 | Kestutis.Zakarauskas@lei.lt |
Edgaras Misiulis | 211-LK | +37037401993 | Edgaras.Misiulis@lei.lt |
Andrius Saliamonas |