COST Action MP0701 is concerned with polymers, which are reinforced with nano particles. Polymer Nanocomposites are blends of different polymer matrices with nanometre sized functional particles. The properties of such nanocomposites are remarkably different compared to conventionally filled polymers. Improvement of volume properties (modulus, strength), surface properties (hardness, abrasion resistance, and surface energy), dimensional stability as well as improvements of functional properties e.g. photo catalytic, optical, electrical, magnetic and thermal and improvements of permeability and chemical stability (UV resistance, flame retardancy) have already been demonstrated. The incorporation of only a few percent of nanosized particles makes great property changes and formerly unachievable property combinations possible.
The Action COST MP0701 has 55 partners from 31 countries. The Action is structured in 4 different working-groups:
- WG1 Nanoparticles/Interfaces: selection of matrix and nanoparticles, production of nanoparticles, surface functionalisation/chemical treatments of nanoparticles.
- WG2 Structure/Property Relationships: linking nanosized structures to macroscopic functional properties.
- WG3 Characterisation – Modelling – Simulation: characterisation and measurement tools, simulation and modelling tools.
- WG4 Processing: primary processing, dispersion -exfoliation, characterisation, properties and performance of components, process control (inline), cost effective methods of processing, standardisation, manufacturing into components, management of health, safety & environmental risks.
COST MP0701 network will create valuable links for the European research area, and will strengthen the approach to build scientific excellence in this field. It will stimulate European cooperation, technology transfer and will create valuable input from nationally funded projects for European industry with special focus on SMEs.
LEI activities in the Project
The purpose of the LEI participation in COST MP0701 action is to carry out research, related with the activities of the COST program, in Lithuania, i.e. to develop a polymer nanocomposite consisting of a filler synthetic gyrolite and epoxy resin matrix. In order to implement this goal, a chemical modification of the synthetic filler gyrolite was carried out; determination of the influence of gyrolite concentration on intercalation/exfoliation of filler in epoxy resin was investigated; the determination of the structure and compatibility of the filler with epoxy resin and the uniform distribution of gyrolite in a polymer matrix was performed. The dependence of the mechanical properties of nanocomposites on various factors was determined.
Total cost: 25 000 000 EUR (LEI part: 10 060 EUR)
Coordinator: Austrian Research Centers GmbH, Seibersdorf, Austria
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Lithuania (LEI, KTU), Netherlands, Portugal, France, Romania, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Hungary.
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Stasė-Irena Lukošiūtė | |||
Project Team |
Arūnas Baltušnikas | 136-LK | +37037401906 | Arunas.Baltusnikas@lei.lt |
Vidas Makarevičius | 135-LK | +37037401907 | Vidas.Makarevicius@lei.lt |
Rita Kriūkienė | 134-LK | +37037401907 | Rita.Kriukiene@lei.lt |
Vilija Grigalevičienė | 136-LK | +37037401906 | Vilija.Grigaleviciene@lei.lt |