Testing an R&D idea – Study of the radiation shielding properties of concrete (No. 10-038-T-0147)

Naujos kartos Lietuva logotipas
Project summary:
The project is implemented under the Development Programme Manager of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania for the period 2022-2030, under the Development Programme Progress Measure No 12-001-01-02-01 “Strengthening innovation ecosystems in science centres” activity “Support for identified R&D start-up projects and feasibility studies with institutional roadmaps for successful participation in the calls of the European Union’s research and innovation programme “European Horizon””.

During this project, preparatory work for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge for the preparation of the application according to the future call of the HORIZON-EURATOM program: “Safety of operating nuclear power plants and research reactors” in the context of an interdisciplinary project would be carried out. It is planned to carry out a study of concrete shielding properties (radiation protection) during this project. Such studies are needed not only in the management of radioactive waste generated during the dismantling of nuclear reactors (after the power plant is decommissioned), but also during the operation of nuclear reactors, as well as in the design and construction of new ones. In principle, all EURATOM scientific research and training programs invite to contribute research to the operation of nuclear reactors or the design of new reactors as well as to decommissioning of facilities taking into account the requirements of the Radioactive Waste Management Directive. Also, when designing new nuclear facilities, it is necessary to improve the radiation protection of personnel, so this research on concrete shielding properties would effectively contribute to the implementation of these goals.


Nuclear reactors, radioactive waste, concrete shielding properties

Project ID: CPVA 10-038-T-0147

Project budget: 24 910,03 EUR


CoordinatorViešoji įstaiga Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra (CPVA), Lithuania.


Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Mindaugas Vaišnoras 414-AK +37037401954 Mindaugas.Vaisnoras@lei.lt

Project Team
Algirdas Kaliatka 223-AK +37037401903 Algirdas.Kaliatka@lei.lt
Andrius Slavickas 224-AK +37037401810 Andrius.Slavickas@lei.lt