Testing hydrogen production through the reaction of water with degraded, shredded solar modules (No. 10-038-T-0175)

Naujos kartos Lietuva logotipas
Project objective – To test the R&D idea and prepare for submitting an application under the “Horizon Europe” program call by implementing an interdisciplinary project.

The project proposal would be submitted under one of the calls: “HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-07” or “EIC Pathfinder,” aiming to conduct research on a technology that recycles worn-out solar modules to produce hydrogen from water. One of the primary challenges related to the use of solar modules is their disposal once their efficiency drops below the desired threshold. Currently, there are no technologies that enable the optimal reuse or recycling of degraded solar modules.

In the testing phase, the solar modules would be shredded using ball milling and subsequently treated with gas plasma. The ball milling process would expose the material surface, while plasma treatment reduces the impact of oxides on the surface. This approach enhances material reactivity in a water environment. After processing, the material would generate hydrogen during its reaction with water, and the resulting by-products would be reused in subsequent processes.

The expected by-products of the reaction with water are silicon dioxide (SiO₂), aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)₃), and silver (Ag). These components have distinct physical properties, which should simplify their separation and purification, enabling their reuse in circular economy applications.

The project will take into account the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals for Energy (SDG7), the Green Deal, RePowerEU and other EU initiatives, contributing to climate change mitigation, increasing overall process efficiency by avoiding the use of critical raw materials, and ensuring sustainability of the overall process.

The project is implemented under the 2021–2030 Development Program managed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania, as part of the progress measure No. 12-001-01-02-01, “Strengthening innovation ecosystems in research centers.” It supports the activity “Funding for identified initial R&D projects and feasibility studies with institutional roadmaps to promote successful participation in the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program calls.”


Project ID: CPVA 10-038-T-0175

Project budget: 29 784.41 EUR


CoordinatorViešoji įstaiga Centrinė projektų valdymo agentūra (CPVA), Lithuania.


Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Marius Urbonavičius 302-LK +37037401904 Marius.Urbonavicius@lei.lt

Project Team
Darius Milčius 304-LK +37037401909 Darius.Milcius@lei.lt
Šarūnas Varnagiris 301-LK +37037401824 Sarunas.Varnagiris@lei.lt
Simona Tučkutė 306-LK +37037401916 Simona.Tuckute@lei.lt
Raminta Rodaitė Raminta.Rodaite@lei.lt