A European Tracking System for Electricity (E-TRACK)

Project programme
01.01.2005 - 30.06.2007
Project status
Project table
Database link

The E TRACK project has investigated the feasibility of a harmonised standard for tracking of generation attributes in Europe. The most comprehensive policy which requires such tracking is electricity disclosure (also called labelling), but there are also support schemes which require the accounting of volumes of eligible electricity generation. Also, the verification of compliance with the targets for electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E), which are set by Directive 2001/77/EC, might require tracking, at least of cross-border transfers of eligible RES-E generation. Tracked information encompasses energy source used for electricity production, related emissions, support granted and further attributes as required. Besides disclosure and support, the E-TRACK standard also integrates Guarantees of Origin (GO) for electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) and high-efficient cogeneration (CHP-E) and potentially accounting systems used for Green Power products and related quality labels in to one comprehensive, reliable approach, which is co-ordinated at the European level.

LEI activities in the Project

The national laws on electricity tracking systems and examples of their implementation in the Baltic States have been analysed. LEI organized three electricity tracking systems workshops for the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). At the workshops the feasibility of a harmonised standard for tracking of generation attributes in Europe was presented.

Total cost: 1 643 934 EUR (LEI part: 50 558 EUR)

Coordinator: Oeko-Institut e.V. – Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany


  • Energie-Control GmbH (E-Control), Austria
  • Gestore della rete di trasmissione nazionale (GRTN), Italy
  • Buro fur Energiewirtschaft und technische Planung (BET), Germany
  • Pure Energi Limited (Pure Energi), Great Britain
  • Austrian Energy Agency (E.V.A.),  Austria
  • Ahence De l’Environnement et de la Maitrise de l’Energie ADEME, France
  • Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Netherlands
  • Observatoire des energies renouvelables (Observ’ER), France
  • IT Power Limited (IT Power), Great Britain

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Inga Konstantinavičiūtė 309-AK +37037401952 Inga.Konstantinaviciute@lei.lt

Project Team
Vaclovas Miškinis 308-AK +37037401959 Vaclovas.Miskinis@lei.lt
Arvydas Galinis 326-AK +37037401957 Arvydas.Galinis@lei.lt
Dalius Tarvydas 314-AK +37037401960 Dalius.Tarvydas@lei.lt