Ensuring Assessment of Safety Innovations for SMR (EASI-SMR)

Project programme
01.09.2024 - 31.08.2024
Project status
Project table
Database link

The EASI-SMR project intends to address the safety issues related to the LW-SMR in order to provide advances that should support implementation of such technologies as soon as possible. The EASI SMR project activities are aimed at ensuring that these reactors will be designed, constructed, commissioned and operated in the safest possible way and in accordance with existing regulations. The consortium was carefully chosen so that the research entities can provide the necessary research teams and support facilities across the European Continent and beyond.

EASI-SMR will address the safety issues associated with major LW-SMR innovations:

  • Passive systems
  • Soluble Boron-free cores
  • Co-generation and hybridation
  • Additive manufacturing to improve compactness of Nuclear Steam Supply System
  • Multi-units operation

The work aims to provide insights for European LW-SMR projects, in particular:

  • NUWARD SMR, a French design of a reactor generating 170 MW of electricity production.
  • LDR-50, a Finnish design of a district heating reactor of 50 MW

EASI-SMR is closely linked with NUGENIA TA6 and the European SMR pre-Partnership’s WS5.


Small Modular Reactors (SMR), Passive safety system, streamlined licensing, code-validation, reliability assessment, nuclear physics

Acronym: EASI-SMR

Project ID: 101164810


Bendra projekto vertė: 19 934 030,51 EUR (LEI skirta dalis: 206 750,00 EUR).


Coordinator: ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE, France.



flag of the European Union
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101164810.

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Tadas Kaliatka 415-AK +37037401911 Tadas.Kaliatka@lei.lt