Regions paving way for a sustainable energy Europe (ENNEREG)

Project programme
01.05.2010 - 30.04.2013
Project status
Project table
Project website

The 12 partner regions have served pioneers demonstrating how regions of different characteristics can be a key driving force in fulfilling the European 20-20-20 policy goal. Core elements in this have been the elaboration of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) in conjunction with supporting the implementation of Sustainable Energy Projects (SEP) in each region. In addition ENNEREG has comprised a successful twinning and replication programme, of which a core activity has been twinning with regions outside the consortium on SEAP development and initiation of SEPs in the twin regions. A further dimension has been put in place: the Regions 202020 platform acting as a facilitator of interaction between European regions and communities on SEAP actions. The website contains useful information from both ENNEREG and parallel projects and attracted great interest with more than 327 thousand visits to the website during the project period; in addition almost 700 regional and local stakeholders have joined the Regions 202020 Network.


  • Sustainable Energy Action Plans for 11 Regions: The partner regions have developed and implemented regional Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) to steer the vision of creating sustainable energy regions. Read more about the experiences gained via the link below:
  • Supporting Sustainable Energy Projects in 12 Regions: Triggering almost 300 Sustainable Energy Projects (SEPs). The evaluation shows that these SEPs correspond to cumulated investments of around 250,000 MEUR within the project period and are estimated to reach nearly a billion Euro by 2020. The total energy savings are estimated to be around 200,000 toe, renewable energy production 1.6 million toe and reductions of CO2 emissions more than 2 million toe – all figures until 2020.
  • Twinning and replication: ENNEREG has fulfilled a successful twinning and replication programme. A core activity has been twinning with regions outside the consortium for direct interaction on SEAP development and initiation of SEPs in the twin regions. On both sides, ENNEREG regions and their twins evaluated the twinning experience as useful and 2/3 of the partnerships are expected to continue cooperation after the ENNEREG project has ended.
  • Dissemination Platform Regions 202020: The Regions 202020 platform has been put in place as a facilitator of interaction between European regions and communities on SEAP actions. The website contains useful information from both ENNEREG and parallel projects and attracted great interest with more than 327 thousand visits to the website during the project period; in addition almost 700 regional and local stakeholders have joined the Regions 202020 Network.
  • Inspiration Guide: The Regions 202020 Inspiration Guide, enriched with experiences from the ENNEREG Pioneer Sustainable Energy Regions, aims to help regions getting on track to become Sustainable Energy Regions (

LEI activities in the Project

1. Prepared Feasibility Study and Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Kaunas Region (8 municipalities).
2. Prepared Feasibility Study and Sustainable Energy Action Plan for twinning region Šilutė.
3. Data basis on indicators of sustainable energy projects in Kaunas Region for promotion and initiation of further projects.
4. Descriptions of 10 best practice examples and demo projects, which were later presented in Project Inspiration Guide.
5. 13 various events under the Project or together with other similar projects were arranged, for dissemination and promotion of sustainable energy development practice.
6. Brochures, leaflets, discs, etc. were developed for wide public and children on sustainable and efficient energy consumption.

Total cost: 1 960 472 EUR

Coordinator: Energy Consulting Network ApS, Denmark


  • Energy Consulting Network ApS, Denmark
  • Sofia Energy Centre, Bulgaria
  • Energy Consulting Network ApS, Denmark
  • Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, Greece
  • Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
  • Baltycka Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A., Poland
  • AREAM – Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal
  • Ente Vasco de la Energía, Spain
  • Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden, Sweden
  • Severn Wye Energy Agency Limited United, Kingdom
  • Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Portugal
  • Rhonalpénergie-Environnement, France
  • Centre for rational use of Energy and Environment, Germany
  • South Denmark European Office, Denmark
  • Triangle Region, Denmark
  • Silistra Municipality, Bulgaria
  • Marshal Office of Wielkopolkska Region, Poland
  • CPL Scientific Publishing Services Ltd trading as CPL Press, United Kingdom

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Eugenija Farida Dzenajavičienė 207-LK +37037401935

Project Team
Vaclovas Kveselis
Aurimas Lisauskas 105-LK +37037401830
Sigitas Masaitis 114/1-AK +37037401917
Olgina Tutlytė
Ramutė Grikštaitė