Deriving a future European Policy for Renewable Electricity (FUTURES-e)

Project programme
01.12.2006 - 30.11.2008
Project status
Project table
Database link

The project’s primary objective was to involve interested parties throughout the EU in the debate on how to optimise the use of renewable electricity, with a view to establishing a long term, stable deployment of electricity from renewable resources (RES-E). With the need to develop a common European vision, the project also set out to identify best practice for the implementation of the different types of support such as feed-in tariffs, premium systems and quota obligations, based on green certificates. The cost/benefit ratio was examined on a national level and consideration given to how to share benefits under a future, coordinated European policy. The long-standing Green-X modelling and analysis tool was applied, allowing in-depth examination of RES-E deployment and accompanying transfer costs due to the promotion of RES-E on country-wide, sectoral and technology levels in a real-world energy policy context.

LEI activities in the Project

Present renewable energy deployment and policies in Central and Eastern Europe has been analysed. Participated in the creation of a network of information exchange between the main electricity market participants. LEI also organized a regional workshop on “Harmonization and Coordination of European RES-E Support Mechanisms. Consequences for the North East region”, which presents the most suitable policy instruments for common policy coordination among EU countries, based on best practice examples.

Total cost: 856 555 EUR (LEI part: 58 030 EUR)

Coordinator: Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Power Systems and Energy Economics, Energy Economics Group (EEG), Austria


  • FhG-ISI – Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, Germany
  • Energy Restructuring Agency ltd. (ApE), Slovenia
  • Ecofys b.v. (ECOFYS), Netherlans
  • Ambiente Italia srl (AMBIT), Italy
  • Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Laufenburg, Austria
  • EC BREC/CLN, Poland
  • Risoe National Laboratory (RISOE), Denmark

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Inga Konstantinavičiūtė 309-AK +37037401952

Project Team
Vaclovas Miškinis 308-AK +37037401959
Arvydas Galinis 326-AK +37037401957
Dalius Tarvydas 314-AK +37037401960
Ramūnas Gatautis 307-AK +37037401949