The project’s primary objective was to involve interested parties throughout the EU in the debate on how to optimise the use of renewable electricity, with a view to establishing a long term, stable deployment of electricity from renewable resources (RES-E). With the need to develop a common European vision, the project also set out to identify best practice for the implementation of the different types of support such as feed-in tariffs, premium systems and quota obligations, based on green certificates. The cost/benefit ratio was examined on a national level and consideration given to how to share benefits under a future, coordinated European policy. The long-standing Green-X modelling and analysis tool was applied, allowing in-depth examination of RES-E deployment and accompanying transfer costs due to the promotion of RES-E on country-wide, sectoral and technology levels in a real-world energy policy context.
LEI activities in the Project
Present renewable energy deployment and policies in Central and Eastern Europe has been analysed. Participated in the creation of a network of information exchange between the main electricity market participants. LEI also organized a regional workshop on “Harmonization and Coordination of European RES-E Support Mechanisms. Consequences for the North East region”, which presents the most suitable policy instruments for common policy coordination among EU countries, based on best practice examples.
Total cost: 856 555 EUR (LEI part: 58 030 EUR)
Coordinator: Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Power Systems and Energy Economics, Energy Economics Group (EEG), Austria
- FhG-ISI – Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, Germany
- Energy Restructuring Agency ltd. (ApE), Slovenia
- Ecofys b.v. (ECOFYS), Netherlans
- Ambiente Italia srl (AMBIT), Italy
- Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Laufenburg, Austria
- EC BREC/CLN, Poland
- Risoe National Laboratory (RISOE), Denmark
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Inga Konstantinavičiūtė | 309-AK | +37037401952 | Inga.Konstantinaviciute@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Vaclovas Miškinis | 308-AK | +37037401959 | Vaclovas.Miskinis@lei.lt |
Arvydas Galinis | 326-AK | +37037401957 | Arvydas.Galinis@lei.lt |
Dalius Tarvydas | 314-AK | +37037401960 | Dalius.Tarvydas@lei.lt |
Ramūnas Gatautis | 307-AK | +37037401949 | Ramunas.Gatautis@lei.lt |