Water quality assessment systems in Latvia and Lithuania are different. As a result, the assessed water quality of rivers crossing the Latvia – Lithuania border mostly differs. The water quality assessment system includes the typology of rivers with a significant role to choose the relevant standards for polluting substances in order to calculate model and settle mixing zones in the close vicinity of waste waters discharges according to Water Framework Directive. So, the main task of the project is to contribute to the overall good status of the Baltic Sea by ensuring good chemical quality of surface waters flowing into the Sea. The quality of surface waters was managed by the harmonised quality assessment of water bodies and methodologies for mixing zones settlement. This approach was used for elaboration of adjusted river basin management plans at cross-border region. A new approach for adjusted modelling of mixing zones in Latvia and Lithuania was developed at cross-border regions. Results of the Project were used in form of practical recommendations to Latvian and Lithuanian environmental protection institutions on how to harmonise quality assessment of water bodies. The appropriate typology of rivers was applied in the modelling process of mixing zones for wastewater discharges or accidental leakages in Latvian and Lithuanian border territories. This provided a way for the chemical status of waters and risk factors affecting water quality to be managed by common methods in the border region.
LEI activities in the Project
- Problematic “hot spots”, where chemical pollution of waters is found, were identified in Venta River catchment. The necessity of establishment of mixing zones was justified, and a list of polluting substances of the Venta river basin district for the management of water quality was created.
- Field surveys for measurement of hydrological and water quality parameters in the selected rivers.
- The management of risks affecting the water quality was facilitated by designation of mixing zones and by the knowledge-based application of tools for Modelling of mixing zones.
- Selected Modelling tools were adapted in practice to ensure the quality of Latvian – Lithuanian cross-border waters by cooperation of competent environmental authorities, local authorities and entrepreneurs.
Total cost: 235 287 EUR (LEI part: 92 000 EUR)
Coordinator: Latvijos aplinkos, geologijos ir meteorologijos centras (Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs), Latvia
- Latvian Center of Environmental, Geology and Meteorology (Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs), Latvia
- Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Jūratė Kriaučiūnienė | 427-AK | +37037401961 | Jurate.Kriauciuniene@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Diana Šarauskienė | 425-AK | +37037401969 | Diana.Sarauskiene@lei.lt |
Diana Meilutytė-Lukauskienė | 418-AK | +37037401981 | Diana.Meilutyte-Lukauskiene@lei.lt |
Darius Jakimavičius | 417-AK | +37037401965 | Darius.Jakimavicius@lei.lt |
Aldona Jurgelėnaitė | 416-AK | +37037401964 | Aldona.Jurgelenaite@lei.lt |
Svetlana Petraitienė | 213-AK | +37037401815 | Svetlana.Petraitiene@lei.lt |
Valdas Irbinskas | 429-AK | +37037401970 | Valdas.Irbinskas@lei.lt |
Algis Tumosa |