Assessments of Perspectives Broader Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Lithuania taking into account Interdependencies among Energy, Water, Land-Use and Climate Change (IAEA No. 17063)

Project programme
13.12.2011 - 12.12.2014
Project status
Project table

The CRP will review, test and apply prototype methodologies to analyze Climate-, Land-, Energy-, Water- (CLEW) interrelations to selected case studies. These analyses will demonstrate and quantify trade offs associated with interventions to meet development goals (specifically food, fuel and water supply).

LEI activities in the Project

During the implementation of the project, the modelling methods for complex assessment of land use for the cultivation of various agricultural products (including energy crops), forestry, water resource use for energy production and other purposes (e.g. field irrigation) were developed and/or improved. Elaborated methods are fully compatible with the mathematical modelling principles used for energy sector development and functioning analysis. The practical applicability of the developed modelling approaches and mathematical models was demonstrated on the Lithuanian example where complex analysis of energy development, land use, forest potential and use of water resources was performed seeking to ensure the country’s sustainable development opportunities.

Total cost: 35 000 EUR

Coordinator: Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI)


  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Cuba
  • Lithuania
  • Mauritius
  • South Africa
  • Syria
  • Thailand
  • Germany

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Arvydas Galinis 326-AK +37037401957

Project Team
Egidijus Norvaiša 312-AK +37037401955
Vidas Lekavičius 311-AK +37037401986
Dalius Tarvydas 314-AK +37037401960