Investigation of workable properties of high temperature ceramic materials

Project programme
2002 - 2006
Project status
Project table

Researchers from the National Institute of Materials Science at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UNMA MPI) and the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) have been working to create a high-temperature ceramic material as a reference material for calibration of thermal conductivity measurement devices when the conductivity varies from 0.3 to 1.0 (W/mK). High porosity of high-temperature materials has a significant influence on the thermal conductivity. In the selection of materials, the stability of the physical-mechanical properties of the high-temperature material over a wide temperature range is important for the production of reference samples. To obtain a reliable reference material, UNMA MPI and LEI scientists used different methods to measure the thermal conductivity of selected materials: UNMA MPI applied an inverse heat conduction task method while LEI applied a standard hot wire method. The selected temperature range was from 20oC up to 1000oC.

LEI activities in the Project

During the project, LEI scientists investigated selected thermo-insulating material and determined how the microstructure, dimensions, compression strength and density of the sample change by heating it at a high temperature of 1000°C and the influence of thermal loads on chracteristics of reference material. A wide range of temperatures (20°C to 1000°C) was selected for the research. The thermal conductivity that is one of the most important characteristics was determined by two experimental methods: the hot wire cross and parallel method according to standard EN 993-14 and EN 993-15, respectively.

Total cost: 14 191 EUR (LEI part: 14 191 EUR)

Coordinator: Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation

Partner: Institute of Materials Science at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine