Low Calorific Gas for Green Power Production – LoCaGas (Money-seed)

Project programme
2022.04.01 - 2022.07.31
Project status
Project table
Project website
Database link

Program: Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020
Period: 2022.04.01 – 2022.07.31
Website: https://locagas.beic.nu/

The European Union has set ambitious targets related to the transition to renewable and clean energy and the reduction of greenhouse gases through the European Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package. Methane is one of the most important greenhouse gases with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 34 on a timespan of 100 years according to IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report. The concentration of methane in the atmosphere has more than doubled in the last hundred years and landfills are the third largest (16%) emitter of anthropogenic methane after fossil fuel production, distribution and combustion (33%) and livestock farming (27%). The objective of this project is twofold; production of green electricity and heat, which in itself contributes to GHG reduction if the corresponding use of fossil fuels is offset, and reduction of GHG gases by reduction of spontaneous methane emission from landfills and elimination of methane emissions from different types of off-gases. In addition, transforming indigenous low quality gas streams into power and heat contributes to the security of supply and diversification of the energy system. 16 EU member states have already applied a landfill ban on organic material and as the gas production in the landfills declines when no new organic material is landfilled, the methane level goes down and conventional CHP production using an Otto engine is no longer possible. In this project three different options to use landfill gas and off-gases with low methane (<40%) content will be evaluated and benchmarked. The three technologies are developed in different countries and the need for transnational cooperation is evident. The seed money is needed to form a strong project consortium able to develop and perform the proposed project including lab scale and pilot testing activities.

Project number: STHB.02.02.00-22-S166/21-00
Project acronym: LoCaGas (Money-seed)

Total value of the project: 40 000 EUR (LEI: 8 000 EUR)

Projektas finansuojamas iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo Pietų Baltijos bendradarbiavimo per sieną programos.


  • Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)
  • Baltic Energy Innovation Centre (Sweden)
  • Lithuanian Energy Institute (Lithuania)

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Nerijus Striūgas 101-LK +37037401877 Nerijus.Striugas@lei.lt