The objective of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme ODYSSEE-MURE 2012 project was to provide a comprehensive monitoring of energy consumption and efficiency trends, as well as of energy efficiency policy measures by sector across Europe. The originality of the project was to cover all sectors and end-uses with an homogeneous and harmonised approach and to provide an overall picture of the trends and measures by sector. This project will also be used to support the monitoring of national and EU targets related to energy efficiency. This project relied on two complementary internet databases which will be updated and enhanced during the action: – ODYSSEE database on energy efficiency /CO2-indicators with data on energy consumption trends, drivers for energy use and energy-related CO2-emissions. – MURE database on energy efficiency policy measures including their impact evaluation. In addition, specific analysis will be carried out while combining indicators and information on policies. The results of these studies will be made available on internet and as a synthetic printed brochure. The project will also develop specific support facilities to ease the analysis and exploitation of the ODYSSEE MURE data.
Total cost: 1 927 966 EUR
Coordinator: ADEME, France
- Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie, France
- ECONOTEC, Belgium
- ENVIROS s.r.o., Czech Republic
- Motiva Oy, Finland
- Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, Greece
- Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvia
- Institute for Energy Technology, Norway
- Agência para a Energia, Portugal
- Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Swedish Energy Agency, Sweden
- Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency-Slovenská inovacná a energetická agentú, Slovakia
- Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Netherlands
- Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, Croatia
- Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Poland
- Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research, Germany
- Sustainable Energy Ireland, Ireland
- Instituto para la Diversificacion y Ahorro de la Energia, Spain
- Cyprus Institute of Energy, Cyprus
- Austrian Energy Agency, Austria
- Institute for Studies of the Integration of Systems, Italy
- Cental Statistical Office, Poland
- Malta Resources Authority, Malta
- NL Agency, Netherlands
- Danish Energy Agency, Denmark
- Myenergy GIE, Luxembourg
- Ricardo AEA, United Kingdom
- Sustainable energy development agency, Bulgaria
- Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Romania
- Electrica Serv, Romania
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Inga Konstantinavičiūtė | 309-AK | +37037401952 | Inga.Konstantinaviciute@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Vaclovas Miškinis | 308-AK | +37037401959 | Vaclovas.Miskinis@lei.lt |
Viktorija Bobinaitė | 310-AK | +37037401956 | Viktorija.Bobinaite@lei.lt |