The project was conceived to give clear empirical insights into the present successes and failures in the support of renewable energy sources for electricity (RES-E) throughout the EU, with particular emphasis on policy effectiveness and efficiency. It aimed to provide quantitative results on the costs and benefits of future policy options and to identify key barriers hampering the development of RES-E through in-depth interviews and an internet-based questionnaire. The questions the project raised, and set out to answer, were varied and included querying the impact of oil prices on the development of renewable electricity and examining the interactivity between CO2 certificate trading and RES-E support schemes.
LEI activities in the Project
The implemented support schemes for renewable energy sources and market barriers in the new EU countries were analysed. Developed country profiles of the new EU member states which included summary information on renewable energy support schemes, trends of renewable energy use and potential by 2020. An assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of support schemes and renewable energy development projections up to 2020 has been carried out.
Total cost: 705 442 EUR (LEI part: 76 059 EUR)
Coordinator: FhG-ISI – Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, Germany
- EnBW Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW), Germany
- Vienna University of Technology, Energy Economics Group (EEG), Austria
- Ecofys b.v. (ECOFYS), Netherlands
- Risoe National Laboratory (RISOE), Denmark
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Inga Konstantinavičiūtė | 309-AK | +37037401952 | Inga.Konstantinaviciute@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Vaclovas Miškinis | 308-AK | +37037401959 | Vaclovas.Miskinis@lei.lt |
Arvydas Galinis | 326-AK | +37037401957 | Arvydas.Galinis@lei.lt |
Dalius Tarvydas | 314-AK | +37037401960 | Dalius.Tarvydas@lei.lt |
Egidijus Norvaiša | 312-AK | +37037401955 | Egidijus.Norvaisa@lei.lt |
Irena Alėbaitė | 325-AK | +37037401950 | Irena.Alebaite@lei.lt |
Jonas Kugelevičius |