Public Energy Alternatives – Sustainable energy strategies as a chance for regional development (PEA)

Project programme
17.09.2009 - 16.03.2013
Project status
Project table
Project website

Main aim of the PEA project is to foster regional development through energy related improvement of added value chains. The field of energy is communicated as a motor for sustainable development of the regions. Regional profiles will be worked out that positively affect the economic situation of the regions. This includes reflecting on the value added chains and a holistic consideration of the regions. For some of the partners this will lead to establishing energy self-sufficient regions. New solutions are already far developed; the aim of PEA is to collect, exchange and translate these findings and to make them usable for regions all over the BSR. This will also be fostered by new training modules for energy related staff (e.g. facility manager) and other users and decision makers, enabling them to implement and further develop strategies and measures. Main outputs will be the Regional Energy Strategies and their actual implementation, the Baltic Energy Compendium that will be a comprehensive guide to rethinking and remodelling regional energy politics, the Baltic Energy Declaration that commits the participating regions and organisation to further cooperation in the Baltic Energy Council that will continue the work started with PEA well beyond the project lifetime all together resulting in more attractive and competitive partner cities and well approved experiences for the BSR.

LEI activities in the Project

  • Preparation of the “Baseline study” document of the current situation in the INPP region. The Lithuanian Energy Institute is responsible for the formulation of the study methodology, the preparation of the Baseline study document, the data collection, organization of work, presentation to project partners and municipal authorities in the current situation in the INPP region.
  • Consultation on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Effective dissemination of project results: presentation of the project at national conferences, dissemination of project results and importance in the region (for the preparation of information events for residents, publications for local press, interviews with local TVs).
  • Strengthening communication – continuous communication between project partners, project partners for results, planned activities and more important events.
  • Preparation of strategy and action plan for the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in the INPP region.

Total cost: 3 732 082 EUR (LEI part: 144 600 EUR)

Partners: The project 21 partners from 6 countries in the Baltic Sea region are involved (11 public authorities, 7 research institutes and 3 coordination partners)

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Antanas Markevičius

Project Team
Vladislovas Algirdas Katinas 207/1-LK +37037401841
Romualdas Škėma
Marijona Tamašauskienė 207-LK +37037401842
Jūratė Valaitienė
Juozas Savickas