Based on thorough integrated climate planning the READY project will demonstrate a Whole City Approach including: 1) Demo of a balanced and holistic approach towards affordable retrofitting of residential buildings and offices 2) Development and demo of new solutions for low-temp. district heating, components and management ICT systems 3) Development and demo of flexible combined grid balancing/energy storage solutions for buildings and RES systems including combined heat pumps for heating and cooling, electrical vehicles charging, new PVT systems and 2ndlife reuse of EV batteries in buildings 4) Resource and energy smart solutions for kitchens 5) Solutions for water efficiency and waste water energy recovery 6) Demo of new innovative industrial equipment for use of RES and integration of demand and supply, – based on business plans, and follow-up by promotion and dissemination activities. These measures will demonstrate how the demand of energy and particularly the needs for fossil fuels and release of CO2 can be considerably reduced to nearly zero, and show a sustainable way to go for other European cities. Demonstration will take place in 2 cities; Aarhus (DK – 300,000 inhabitants), which is representative for north western parts of Europe and Växjö (SE – 83,000 inhabitants) representative for the Baltic Sea region. Both cities have a long standing technical experience and for years been frontrunners in respect of setting and carrying out ambitious climate and smart city polices. Kaunas (LT – 300,000 inhabitants) will take part as an observer city in order to bring in Eastern European experience with a most relevant context. The project team consist of internationally well known industrial companies, energy supply companies, SME’s, housing companies, universities, consultants and other organisations that formed the consortium to realise the project. All participants are devoted to improve RES integration in energy supply systems and housing standards towards nZEB.
LEI activities in the Project
• Absorbing and sharing all best practices generated at the project; providing necessary information; organising and participating in workshops.
• Analysing feasibility of smart kitchens in Lithuania (as Baltic States example), supporting IKEA on market and technological options for smart kitchens.
• Analysing situation in Lithuania in terms of energy recovery from waste water, assessment of feasibility to implement of suggested by project team technologies (technological, economical assessment) to one or several typical schools, which are in the renovation process.
• Analysis of situation in Lithuania. Dissemination study: Analysis the potential of the identified technologies in Lithuania.
• Obtaining the best practises and know-how from Växjö and Aarhus progress. Analysis of results dissemination potential in Lithuania as a case study.
• Provision of (Lithuanian) data on multi-family houses for testing of the holistic approach to design of integrated energy systems.
• Obtaining al know-how and best practises from Växjö case. Integration of project experiences and results into Kaunas energy steering documents and to coordination/communication with Växjö.
• Aggregation and dissemination of project results in workshops and discussions in Kaunas and Lithuania for local stakeholders.
• Assisting the WP leader in surveys on the project subject. Definition of key stakeholders. Assistance in report preparation.
• Assistance in definition of green business models, checking on local conditions.
• Assistance in adaptation of the technical solutions in Lithuania and identification of possible policy gaps in Lithuania.
• Contribution with the expertise and experience in the preparation of the course. Possible participation.
• Active participation in all possible training sessions together with representatives of key stakeholders.
• Reporting, communication on behalf of Lithuanian team.
Total cost of the Project: 33 340 202,60 EUR (LEI part: 139 600 EUR)
Coordinator: COWI AS, Denmark
Danish Partners
- COWI A/S (Consultant)
- AARHUS KOMMUNE (Municipality)
- DANFOSS A/S (Manufacturer)
- LITHIUM BALANCE A/S (Manufacturer)
- DANSK FJERNVARME FORENING (District Heating Association)
- E.ON DENMARK A/S (Energy utility)
Swedish Partners
- VÄXJÖ KOMMUN (Municipality)
- ENERGIKONTOR SYDOST (Energy Office Southeast)
- VÄXJÖ ENERGI AB (Energy Utility)
- VÄXJÖBOSTÄDER AB (Housing Association)
- IKEA AB (Manufacturer)
- CA ARABYBOSTÄDER AB (Housing Association)
- WEXNET AB (Housing association)
Lithuanian Partners
Austrian Partners
French Partners
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Ramūnas Gatautis | 307-AK | +37037401949 | Ramunas.Gatautis@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Arvydas Galinis | 326-AK | +37037401957 | Arvydas.Galinis@lei.lt |
Rolandas Urbonas | 406-AK | +37037401832 | Rolandas.Urbonas@lei.lt |
Inga Konstantinavičiūtė | 309-AK | +37037401952 | Inga.Konstantinaviciute@lei.lt |
Dalius Tarvydas | 314-AK | +37037401960 | Dalius.Tarvydas@lei.lt |
Egidijus Norvaiša | 312-AK | +37037401955 | Egidijus.Norvaisa@lei.lt |
Vidas Lekavičius | 311-AK | +37037401986 | Vidas.Lekavicius@lei.lt |
Eimantas Neniškis | 325-AK | +37037401950 | Eimantas.Neniskis@lei.lt |