Six regional case studies are developed, where significant energy efficiency and renewable energy achievements are obtained in the frame of Structural Funds planning, or other regional funding instruments, dedicated to local economic development. These examples are presented to the regional bodies involved in local development, to the European energy agencies (as potential promoters of similar approaches at local level), and to about 80 selected contacts, who will monitor and react to the achieved results during the whole project duration and possibly replicate the approach in their region. The six regions and corresponding case study are: Austria, Styria: local 100% RES strategy; Germany, Berlin and Saxony: energy certificate for SMEs; Greece, Central Macedonia: geothermal applications in tourism and agriculture; Italy, Emilia-Romagna: sustainable energy in ecological productive areas; Lithuania, the whole State: biogas exploitation in agriculture; United Kingdom, Cornwall: sustainable buildings in new industrial settlings.
Total cost: 582 659 EUR.
Coordinator: ECUBA SRL, Italy
- Energieagentur Judenburg-Knittelfeld-Murau, Austria
- Sofia Energy Agency, Bulgaria
- B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH, Germany
- ANATOLIKI S.A. – Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki, Greece
- Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
Project Team
Name, surname | Office | phone. | |
LEI Representative |
Valentinas Klevas | 420-AK | +37037401936 | Valentinas.Klevas@lei.lt |
Project Team |
Dalia Štreimikienė | 419-AK | +37037401958 | Dalia.Streimikiene@lei.lt |
Sigitas Masaitis | 114/1-AK | +37037401917 | Sigitas.Masaitis@lei.lt |
Ramutė Grikštaitė |