Increasing Transparency of Energy Service Markets (Tranparense)

Project programme
01.04.2013 - 30.09.2015
Project status
Project table
Project website

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) can provide substantial energy savings in the EU countries using the principle of repaying the energy efficiency investments directly from the saved energy costs. Currently there is a lack of transparency on the markets for energy efficiency services in Europe. The Transparense project will develop codes of conduct for EPC in order to increase the transparency and quality of the energy services provided. This should also improve the currently poor knowledge and understanding of EPC.
The Transparense project is financed by Intelligent Energy Europe, and has the main aim to increase the transparency and trustworthiness of EPC markets throughout Europe. With its twenty partners covering both mature and beginner EPC markets, the project has a great potential to develop and increase the European EPC market and thereby achieve substantial energy efficiency improvement.

The core action of the Transparense project is to develop European and national Codes of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), which can be used by energy services providers as well as their clients. Such sets of rules will be tailored to the specific conditions of each participating countries and will help increase the transparency of the EPC markets and ensure the high quality of the energy services provided. The Codes of conduct will be tested and evaluated through pilot projects in the participating countries. Close cooperation between the partners will be established in order to ensure homogenous high quality EPC projects. In this respect, twinning between advanced and beginner market will yield transfer of gained experiences.

The project will also provide a comprehensive overview of the EPC markets across Europe through the development of an exhaustive online database on e.g. different Energy Performance Contracting models and financing models. Furthermore the project will promote the establishment of associations of Energy Service Companies in countries where such organizations are currently missing. Training programmes on the developed Codes of Conduct together with active communication with relevant stakeholders will be carried out to spread the implementation. Target groups include energy service companies, energy service companies’ associations, policy makers and potential clients.

The Transparense project started in April 2013 and will be completed in September 2015. The project brings together 20 European partners. The project has a budget of million 2.1 million € and is financed by Intelligent Energy Europe with co-funding from the project partners.

LEI activities in the Project

During the period of project implementation, the information about the activity of energy service companies in the Lithuania and EU countries was collected and analysed, evaluating legal acts which concern the application of the “Energy Performance Contracting”( EPC) , financial schemes of projects aimed at increasing energy consumption efficiency, their support, strategies, and etc. During the project implementation the Energy Performance Contracting Code of Conduct was developed for energy service providers. Adherence to this code of conduct increases the transparency of energy service company activities and allows maintaining high quality of the provided services. Seminars were organised and training programmes provided on the implementation of Energy Performance Efficiency while implementing the projects which increase energy consumption efficiency in Lithuania.

Total cost of project: 2,1 mln. EUR (LEI part: 40 073 EUR)

Coordinator: SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, Czech Republic


  • e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH, Austria
  • Factor4, Belgium
  • Black Sea Energy Research Center (BSERC), Bulgaria
  • ECNet, Energy Consulting Network, Denmark
  • BEA, Berliner Energieagentur GmbH, Germany
  • REACM, Anatoliki Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities S.A, Greece
  • GDI, GreenDependent Institute Nonprofit Ltd, Hungary
  • DTTN, Trentino Technological Cluster, Italy
  • Ekodoma, Latvia
  • LEI, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Lithuania
  • ECN, Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, Netherlands
  • NEE, Norsk Enøk og Energi AS, Norway
  • KAPE, The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Poland
  • ISR-UC, ISR – University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • ECB, Energy Centre Bratislava, Slovakia
  • IJS, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
  • ESCAN, Escan s.l., Spain
  • IVL, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd., Sweden
  • EEVS Insight Ltd, United Kingdom

Project Team

Name, surname Office phone. e-mail

LEI Representative
Romualdas Škėma

Project Team
Vygandas Gaigalis
Irena Korsakienė
Jūratė Valaitienė