You are kindly invited to join the 59th ESReDA Seminar on Creating Safe and Resilient Logistic Systems to be held in Wroclaw (Poland), 26-27 October 2021, hosted by Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
The issues of safe and resilient logistics systems constitute the competitive advantage of supply chains. Current enterprises implement their processes in a variable and uncertain environment. These conditions significantly affect the accuracy and effectiveness of decisions. Managers’ attention is focused primarily on events related to the occurrence of operational risk. In this case, the source of risks is internal disturbances in companies and processes implemented at organizations’ interfaces. Today, however, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, disaster risk research is also gaining particular importance. The consequences of the current pandemic indicate the necessity for companies to develop also competencies concerning the assessment and management of “black swan” risks. For this reason, creating secure and resilient supply chains takes on particular importance today. For this reason, the issues to be raised during the 59th ESReDA seminar “Creating Safe and Resilient Logistic Systems” are important not only for scientific but also utilitarian reasons.
The Seminar aims to discuss theories, concepts, and experiences of enhancing the use of knowledge for better reliability, resilience, and risk management. The presented research results, operational proposals, and case studies will respond to enterprises’ managerial staff’s current problems throughout Europe. Thus, this Seminar will bring together researchers, practitioners, specialists, and decision-makers to discuss strategies and practical experiences in the given field of research.
The Call for Papers (pdf) is enclosed to this email. Abstracts to be summited before the 15th June 2021.
Please visit the seminar’s page for more information: https://www.esreda.org/event/59th-esreda-seminar/
Seminar format (physical, semi-physical or only virtual) to be decided in August due to the covid-19 situation in Europe.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact seminar’s chairwoman Agnieszka Tubis (agnieszka.tubis@pwr.edu.pl) or Inga Šarūnienė (inga.saruniene@lei.lt).