About this event
EERA Joint Programmes on Energy System Integration (JP ESI) and on clean Energy tranSition for Sustainable Society (JP e3s) are excited to meet you at the Lithuanian Energy Institute in Kaunas, Lithuania, for 2 days of intense activities and debates on energy transition & sustainability.
More about the event: https://www.eera-set.eu/events/events-of-eera-and-its-partners/4219:eera-jps-esi-e3s-workshops-in-kaunas-lithuania-1.html
June 4th Programme: EERA JP e3s JP ESI joint Workshop 4th June Kaunas Programme
June 5th Programme: EERA Central-Eastern Europe workshop 5th June Kaunas Programme
June 6th Programme: EERA Steering Commitee meeting 6th June Kaunas Programme