Author, institution: Lina Murauskaitė
Dissertation title: Diversification of renewable energy sources for district heating system
Science area, field: Social sciences, Economics (04S)
Defense of the dissertation: 2016-10-07, 10:00, Lithuanian Energy Institute (Meeting Hall – AK-202 a.), Breslaujos st. 3, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Habil. Valentinas KLEVAS (Lithuanian Energy Institute, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S).
Dissertation Defense Board of Economics Science Field:
- Chairman – Prof. dr. Vytautas SNIEŠKA (Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S);
- Prof. dr. Daiva DUMČIUVIENĖ (Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S);
- Prof. dr. Violeta PUKELIENĖ (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S);
- Prof. dr. Inga KONSTANTINAVIČIŪTĖ (Lithuanian Energy Institute, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S);
- Prof. dr. Maija ŠENFELDE (Riga Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S).
The Doctoral Dissertation is available at the libraries of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio st. 20, 44239 Kaunas, Lithuania), Klaipėda University (K.Donelaičio a. 3, 92144 Klaipėda) and Lithuanian Energy Institute (Breslaujos st. 3, 44403 Kaunas).
District heating (DH) is one of the most important energy sectors in Lithuania, which influences economic growth, competitiveness, energy efficiency, and energy supply of the country. The aim of the scientific research is to develop a justification methodology of the integration of diversified RES (based on the example of solar and geothermal energy) technologies into DH systems on the producer and consumer sides in terms of sustainable development of cities. The main characteristics determining the problems of the DH and their social, environmental, and economic consequences in terms of sustainable development are systematised in the dissertation. DH as a natural monopoly is investigated; related issues of DH long-term planning, reforming, pricing, financing, and economic opportunities for their solution are analysed. The examination of market barriers for the wider use of RES is conducted. Evaluation issues of the external benefit for the use of RES in DH systems are analysed. A system of preconditions of integration of diversified RES technologies on production and consumption sides using DH infrastructure in the cities/towns sustainable development context is developed. Possibilities of diversification of RES technologies (based on the example of solar and geothermal energy) in production and consumption sectors on the territorial aspect, i.e. on the city/town level are evaluated in empirical research.