Lithuanian Energy Institute offers promising studies in the European Green Deal topics with great prospect of employment.
Lithuanian Energy Institute invites active students who have obtained a master’s degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry, energy, thermal engineering, materials engineering, electrical engineering, mechanics, environmental engineering, natural sciences, economics to contribute to the goals of the European Green Deal and apply to doctoral studies in the fields of
▶️ Energetics and Power Engineering,
▶️ Environmental Engineering,
▶️ Economics.
Doctoral research topics and admission procedure (2022): https://lei.lt/phd-studies/admission-to-phd-studies/
🔹 Who can apply for PhD studies?
Individuals with Master’s qualification degree or having graduated from one-level higher education system.
🔹 Financing:
The PhD studies can be financed by the budget of the Republic of Lithuania or a PhD student‘s personal finances.
🔹 Scholarships:
Doctoral students admitted to state-funded positions receive monthly scholarships: during the 1st year – 798 Euro/month, during the 2nd-4th years – 924 Euro/month.
✓ Submission of applications: 6 – 20 (till 3 P. M.) June, 2022
✓ Motivational interviews: 28-30 June, 2022
✓ Appeals: 1 July, 2022, from 8 to 10 A. M.
✓ Results of appeals: 1 July, 2022, 4 P. M.
✓ Notification of applicants about the competition results: 1 July, 2022, 4.30 P. M.