A new Director of the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) takes office on 9 August. Saulius Gudžius, PhD in Energy and Thermal Engineering, Professor, former Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Kaunas University of Technology, has been appointed as the new Director of LEI, replacing Dr. Sigitas Rimkevičius, who had served two terms in this position.
“As I take up my duties as Director of the Lithuanian Energy Institute, I would like to first of all thank the Director of the Institute, Dr. Sigitas Rimkevičius, and his team for their long-standing renowned leadership of the Institute. Joining the Institute’s team, I will strive to ensure the continuity of the Institute’s activities, with a particular focus on the effective use of the Institute’s scientific potential, promotion of interdisciplinary research and inter-institutional cooperation, attracting young scientists, improving the efficiency of the Institute’s organisational activities and infrastructure management, and strengthening the competences of its human resources.
Having worked in the energy sector for twenty-five years, I am well aware of the importance of the activities carried out by the Lithuanian Energy Institute for the energy security of the Lithuanian state and international competitiveness, and I look forward to the commitment of the Institute’s community to the implementation of the Institute’s strategic plans and to the collegial cooperation of all staff in enhancing the Institute’s scientific productivity and competitiveness, thus contributing to the National Strategy for Energy Independence,” – says S. Gudžius
Prof. Saulius Gudžius became the new Director of LEI after winning a competition announced by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, in which 3 candidates participated. During the candidacy debate in July, Mr Gudžius presented LEI’s vision focused on continuity and human resources: to foster the attraction of the next generation of scientists and the development of staff competences; the continuation of successful creation and transfer of knowledge and technologies responsive to societal needs to the public sector, to the business community and to the general public; and to maintain the Institute’s reputation as a reliable partner.
“Understanding what competences are needed, bringing people together, creating an ecosystem in which they can freely exchange ideas and communicate is one of the most important tasks of modern scientific institutions”, emphasised the Professor.
LEI community welcomes the new Director of the Institute and thanks the former Director Sigitas Rimkevičius for his significant achievements in initiating and actively participating in Lithuanian and international programme projects, developing cooperation with renowned Lithuanian and international research and study institutions and networking organisations, inspiring example and leadership in business-science partnerships, proactive role in the pursuit of increased research funding and independence of research institutes, and focusing on the challenges of Energy Transformation and Climate Change Mitigation.
The Lithuanian Energy Institute is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for science, innovation and technology in the fields of energy and related areas, and one of the leading research institutions in Lithuania. The Institute carries out fundamental and applied research in the fields of energy, thermal engineering, instrumentation engineering, environmental engineering, materials science and economics, develops innovative technologies, participates in the study processes, transfers the results of applied research and discoveries to industry and business, advises state, government, public, private institutions and companies on issues related to the development of sustainable energy in Lithuania, actively cooperates with higher education institutions in the preparation of specialists for Lithuanian science and economy.